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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. can you go here : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2119342_ivan985_superpi_32m_phenom_ii_x6_1055t_0sec_0ms?tab=more and edit please
  2. np. If you are 80 % sure that a score is wrong, feel free to report and write 1-2 lignes to explain why
  3. no, no, he has got a wrong score. So you are not going to be an ass , but if you want I can do it for you it's not a problem EDIT: done, and btw already reported 2 times
  4. yeah sure, it's 3x GPU. Can you report it, thx
  5. thx Massman, But as the 5870 be the main card ?(the one plugged to the monitor) ? cause I know that is some 3D bench a dual gpu card perform better than 2 x a single card.(same gpu for all of them).
  6. And btw its 1 x QX9650 and not 4 x QX9650 can you correct please. It has no impact with superpi but has one with wprime and pcmark. EDIT: ho you already see that good. go there http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2119091_tatefin_superpi_32m_4x_core_2_qx9650_3.00ghz_13min_39sec_46ms?tab=more and clic the edit button
  7. yeah the gpu of the 5870 is mire powerful than a gpu of the 5970, but as at the moment hwbot doesn t support multi mixed gpu the rule is to submite with X x best card. X is the number of physical graphic cards. And here the best card is the 5970. But yeah logically he can submite as 3 x 5870 but the 5870 has to be the main card(the card plugged to the monitor). For a 3 x GPU result. Now I dont know if it perform better than 3 physical 5870, if no maybe he can, if yes NO. Now we have to wait for Massman advice. And BTW, does ATI drivers support those cards mixed in crossfire ? I have a blackout
  8. Even the Cyrix is faster http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1073012_christian_ney_wprime_32m_cyrix_6x86mx_pr166_22min_1sec_411ms
  9. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2118834_falkemberg_wprime_1024m_core_i7_2600k_6sec_620ms?tab=more clic on the delete button or edit button
  10. you can delete by yourselfe, clic the trash button here : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2118834_falkemberg_wprime_1024m_core_i7_2600k_6sec_620ms?tab=more
  11. for the vcore, I cannot set lower to boot into windows 7 64Bit it takes 24 mins and even after that the CPU was 100 % load (I waited 30 mins and it was still at 100 % load) Yes it is 100 % stable, but 3DMark Vantage (after 43 mins to load the first GT) said : ''device lost'' Now I am interested, maybe I can have lower and after that will try with the 1090T BE I am sure I can try without any heatsink
  12. hum, no I let the vCore to default, but 5 mins ago I booted into windows with 0.8v
  13. it's not the best I can do, I will try to have a better frequency
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