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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Ticket ID: 1069 Priority: Low Here is the CPU-Z link :\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1431104\r\n\r\nHere are pics :\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nthx
  2. Nice, I will update the main sheet.
  3. too long to read for them :DXD Pictures are better than words, especially if you don't speak english
  4. The original reason is :
  5. As you can see you don't need to have office/excel, the first link is the clean database that you can view(it's the one I will update myself ASAP). With the second link you can edit yourself the datasheet (it's the open one) directly from you webbrowser. Tell me if it's written in french or in your own language
  6. Thank you a lot, but it's not MY database , it's our database(for the comunity), under my administration I was thinking about, but strangely I have the same score on my i7 920 and P4 630
  7. How to show the spreadsheet on the forum ? (, HWBot is the only forum where I am active). By now there is only a link.
  8. Trying to build a database, No limits on Windows Startup Please show your scores with the following informations : User name Drive/device name : OCZ Vertex, Intel X25-M, Seagate Barracuda 7200.12..... Capacity of one drive File System : NTFS, FAT32..... If the OS is installed on it or not : Yes(OS installed on the drive tested) No(OS installed in an another drive) Used/New : New if the drive is around 1 week old(and if you haven't bench it with CrystalDiskMark for 24hours) RAID : No, x2 (2 Drives), 3x (3 Drives), x4 (4 drives)... Which Controller(southbridge one like ICH8R) CPU : name and speed PCMark05 tests : Windows Stratup and HDD General Usage HDD, SSD, PCIe, I-Ram, ACard, USB stick, even Iphone or SD Cards are allowed. Original Link : (where I am the only one who can write, to keep it clean) Update ASAP http://cid-3672ef38d9039082.office.live.com/view.aspx/HWBotPCMark05HDDDatabase.xlsx/HWBotPCMark05HDDDatabase.xlsx Open link : (where you can write your scores) Directly from your Web Browser, you don't need to have Office, just log with the account below and edit the datasheet and then save http://cid-35b4d26d2079ccb8.office.live.com/edit.aspx/HWBotDatabaseOpen.xlsx Windows Live ID : databasehwbotopen@hotmail.fr Password : hwbotopen ONLY USE THIS LIVE ID FOR THE DATABASE Please don't make a mess (it's a test)
  9. First : Because who is having ssd, z-drives, iram, a-card, payed a lot for them. And with ramdisk there is nothing to pay. kind of respect. Second : There is no limitation with HDD genaral usage and virus scan, so even i you reach to have 219mb/s at windows startup you are going to have 1400Mb/s for the general usage test and virus scan(with ramdisk software).
  10. Thank for the news, I was planning to buy the vertex 2, but accordingto the web, perfomance are the same with the pro, seems there is something with firmware. EDIT : 5 of my ocz vertex are back to the store. Maybe an ocz revodrive 50GB would be good. I am not good with SSDs , do you know what it can expect with one revodrive on windows startup ? (imo ~ 275mo/s like two Vertex 2 in RAID )
  11. Here is the solution : http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1042
  12. Look him, http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1063397_remiko_pcmark_2005_sempron_145_11933_marks only one OCZ Vertex 2 ( he has got 200 MB/s, I have got only Vertex 1 ( indilix barefoot ), Vertex 2 is with Sandforce. And the Vertex 2 40GB is cheap.
  13. Hum, Running PCMrak05 @ 8GHz lol:D. Want to see
  14. As I am on air, , I have a good PCMark05 and a good 3DMrak Vantage(). This OC Challenge is finished for me now. Cannot have better scores. And my team don't care about OC Challenges so.....(shame on them ) EDIT : Ho, I forget to said also my Weakest Entry Ever for Wprime32M
  15. Hey I just runed PCMark05 under Windows 7 fresh installed 32bit. I have got around 9000 LOL, with same clocks. Win XP is better in all of my systems
  16. thank you but in fact it is not a torrent. Downloading with the university it is using a special program, anyway I am bandwith limited here where I leave. In a forest
  17. Damn you right, I have the indilix barefoot, vertex 2 is with Sandforce. Damn I have bough my vertex one just before vertex 2 were released.
  18. Thank you, I have just seen that as I am a student at the university I can have windows vista business with SP2 for free. Damn, 2.8 GB to download with my 120ko/s bandwith. It is going to take 2 days
  19. I dont have the 32bit version of vista, only 64bit. I will buy it, is it better to have it with or without any SP
  20. How with only one OCZ Vertex 2 you've got 197MB/s at windows startup ?. With only one, I can only have 60 MB/s is mine dead ?
  21. I have tried windows XP and Windows 7(64bit) and XP won with an advantage of 3000 pts. ( maybe because I used 64bit version, or because my windows XP is very soft. As I don't know any tweaks I always use fresh installations ). I will try the 32bit version ASAP.
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