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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. I'm trying over here:D, but efficiency is bad for 32m wprime, not so sure about this submission.
  2. thanks, I know my skills are nowhere near you or cookie, just showing that with the right board even a nub like me can have decent results:D still not as fast as a sb setup, but much more fun to play with.
  3. i see, this is my first time running pcmark05, going to have to revisit with vista installed.
  4. no kidding lol but really guys it was a blast this year, congratulations to Poland, Greece and Indonesia you guys killed it.
  5. I guess Poland wasn't kidding when they said they were "far far" away great job guys:thumbsup:
  6. very nice clocks man, what is the highet multi you can hang on the windows screen with a reboot?
  7. agreed I also really like the ssd optimize feature that lets you trim the ssd manually or on schedule like disk derangement for mechanical drives.
  8. thanks man, however I think it needs more cold/volts I will be doing more testing, but 56X100 would not boot at 6c 12t, i will try ht disabled and post in a bit if anything productive happens thats about it for 6c no ht
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