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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Only tested lowest volts on wprime in xp, will try w7 next and see where it ends up.
  2. Probably an early low end kit, some of them are monsters and just as good as high bin stuff that is available now.
  3. I think you might need to work on your wording because you come off extremely douchey and arrogant. This could just be a cultural/language thing but I am sure this is why you have been getting so many pm's/hate/no contact. You should take notes from Roman, that dude knows how to do it right. I will be a honest, I am not a fan and I'm sure you don't care but that's just how I feel Also it's quite weird to post a result on your OC account and then share it on your personal account, it's borderline psychotic speaking in the third person like this. I get promoting yourself but why not just post it on your OC account? And finally you beg everyone for tweaks because you can't figure them out yourself and then post no thanks or shout outs minus your last few subs, poor form mate. just my 2c since this is the dirty laundry thread.
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