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HWBOT Community Forums

Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Sandbagging is not good for viewers, but creates suspense ;) Personally I don't like it.



    But such comments as server should crash and so on are inappropriate ;) why? - reason is simple, many guys bench until LAST MINUTES. I know it from my experience, for instance Country Cup or some other HWBOT contests, I sometimes I get scores 10-20 minutes before the deadline and publish them as fast as I can. I mostly bench to last minutes, if I assume that I have even very small chances of getting better result from my hardware.

  2. You in for Class B?


    Seems like there are quite some people interested in Class B. Good news! If Class B proves to be more popular than Class A, we have a solid foundation to prove to MSI management that low(er) cost qualifications are a good thing :).


    :) I hope that in future there will be the same format, Class A & Class B cause it's always nice to have a choice (but with reasonable amount of tickets - not too low in both classes). Especially when vendors start to exaggerate with the prizes of hw (Titan, Titan Ultra if true and so on). It's always good to have "Class A" when people can do results with hw they mostly use for PRO Cup or WRs, and it's good for PR also - WRs, but when in some point vendors will simply overprize hw too high, more and more users will turn to Class B, which in fact is also fun :)


    I thought during the voting poll, that it's only to have one category, solution with both classes is very nice.

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