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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. That's a very good solution, I like it But I was also fine with the solution, that I could try to score 2nd with Lightning, with no hard feelings if I fail. But it's easier for me Please next time add all limitations in stage details, most of us look mostly on those requirements, even add rule "ES not allowed" cause almost in every contest topic there are questions about it even obvious info, it's better to write more points with simple words than catching rules from marketing press release Examples: "MSI board only" "MSI gpu only" "only single gpu" "only Z77 boards" "use only Mpower Z77 to score for prizes" "all MSI Z77 boards are valid for lucky draw" "no ES" "use special background" "link to ORB required" "tess off is allowed in AMD drivers" "photo of benching rig is required" "use only hw which was launched and available before contest launch" "Titan is not allowed" "submit result before 10/02/2013 to take part in lucky draw" "all tweaks have to be valid with hwbot rules and terms" I can't think about more, those rules/limitations in stage page would be very clear and there wouldn't be any doubts
  2. I have resources with Lightnings 7970, now I have 6 cards, 2 days ago I had 7 cards but I sold one lol If there was a rule "only MSI GRAPHICS CARDS allowed", I would follow it. So please don't tell me there was a strict rule because there wasn't. Admit that simply MSI doesn't want to ship prize (cause they thought that only users with Lightnings will win something) and I will leave it alone, I will be angry, but what can I do, I will not sue anyone.
  3. Hey Gyrock -san Look in this link http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=229761#post229761
  4. Competition page well let's look for the statement about rules using MSI hardware: "(Taipei – Taiwan) MSI, The world’s leading brand in motherboard and graphics cards, and the renowned system performance testing software company Futuremark, released a new generation of 3D performance testing software 3DMark together; igniting a new fire with the overclocking community. In order for global overclocking professionals to be able to compete against each other with the latest version of 3DMark MSI will hold the online overclocking competition “MSI 3DMark Challenge”. For a duration of four weeks, from February 4 to March 3, 2013 Anyone using a MSI motherboards and graphics cards can compete in the most challenging DirectX 11 scene in 3DMark– Fire Strike. The competition will be divided into two parts: the top two challengers using a MSI Z77 MPOWER for the competition with the highest scores will each win great items such as a MSI R7970 Lightning Boost Edition graphics card and a Z77A-GD80 motherboard; the Z77A-GD55 Lucky Draw activity is opened to all challengers using MSI Z77 motherboards. To enter the Lucky Draw activity, all you have to do is upload your scores before February 10! We believe this will be an extremely fierce competition and expect to see record-breaking performance!" in that text there are mentioned limitations: - use MSI Z77 board to enter lucky draw - use MSI Mpower Z77 board to fight for the prizes If you really want to be precise you can find another limitation in this text: "Anyone using a MSI motherboards and graphics cards can compete" - using dedicated graphic card is obliged (IGP not allowed). There is really no mention about use only MSI graphic card, there is no where written "MSI GRAPHIC CARD", I was looking for this sentence, I couldn't find any statement like "use MSI graphic card only". If there is no dedicated vendor before the common word, it means "any". If there was "Use both motherboard and graphic card manufactured by MSI" it would be clear that both parts must be MSI products. Not all users have to speak English fluently. But all in all the limitations written in stage page always are strict and simple to be understandable even by google translator. That's their point, not to do confusion. "You have been around here for a long time now, of course know MSI always requires MSI GPUs. Why not just ask for clarification instead?" I am taking part in MSI competitions from MOA EMEA, there was precise limitation as I showed in stage page. Next contest was MSI FM2 challenge with IGP - there was no using dedicated GPU, only IGP. Second contest was ECS FM2 challenge which was open for all brands according to limitations in stage pages (ECS FM1 required ECS board). Another contest was GB OC Winterout where stage limitations were written just like in this contest and I won prizes and everything was fine. I am always following limitations in stage page and hwbot rules (like what tweaks are legit, which are cheating, ES rule and so on). Moreover, each contest can have different rules. Lightnings are the most popular on HWBOT, there is not such stress to demand MSI GPU Cards cause all results despite mine were done on Lightnings. MSI needs emphasis on motherboards, cause let's be honest, overclockers mostly use them for MSI competitions, not for top results. So for me it was totally justified why there is no need of demanding MSI GRAPHIC CARD and it was clear. MSI is also now doing SSD drives, so maybe all results now have to be done on MSI SSD hard drives. It can be the same obvious and clear thing as "MSI always requires MSI GPUs". If someone screwed up (HWBOT or MSI) and forgot to write rules, simply admit it, don't look for "obvious MSI rules which are not written". It's not like ES rules, benchmark settings rules (what is allowed, what is cheating) which are written in HWBOT rules and terms page...
  5. For me rules are clear - what is not forbidden is allowed. And in other MSI HWBOT Contest: So if someone didn't check rules a few times is not my fault. If there was rule that I have to use MSI VGA - I would use cause I have Lightnings cards (not golden ones, but I have). So I want my result to be back there ;] Rules were updated (Titan rule) during the contest, and rules should be double checked by that time. Random text isn't clear and obvious - some can understand is as marketing bs, others as it needs separate graphic card, not IGP, especially that there is no "MSI graphic card", only "and graphic card". Text is unclear and the same with the part of "prizes" as Mike mentioned above and he is a native speaker so he clearly understands english. I spent time, $ on ln2 and also killed Mpower board fighting as a beta tester for this benchmark, keep it in mind ;]
  6. Be patient Ronaldo From my experience it always takes some time before official informations are announced and it will also take time vendors to send prizes (but MSI is fast)
  7. I like the idea of PRO Cup, but of course I would do it in other way. But... So far I see only 2 teams... From guys with whom I was talking... nobody is willing to take part in it. Vendors also seem to be not so excited about it, cause all companies lower they budgets for overclocking and soon many overclockers will be not sponsored anymore or very limited. If things will go this way, that there won't be teams to race, there is no point of this form (from what I see), so if nothing changes, there will not be any team left in PRO Cup. So if society doesn't approve this format and doesn't want to take part, maybe it's time to change it. Because now it seems to be boring even more than PRO League for viewers.
  8. I lost two cpu phases on my mpower, the board is still working but isn't capable of OC. Nothing burned, only PHASE leds show no activity on LED 7 & 8. But all in all it was fun :D Thx MSI for the contest
  9. I surrender with this benchmark. I don't understand it. The efficient runs are simply "lucky runs" in my opinion, that's all, I thought it needs very big stability to score good but nope, it doesn't. I can not reproduce my best run, which was in fact on low clocks even with much bigger clocks...
  10. He killed 3 Lightnings so far by mounting gpu block :D
  11. You should guide Gun how to mount gpu w/c on lightnings 7970 Great work Angelo
  12. Yap, it;'s very hard benchmark. I am still learning it, but from what I see it's all about the stability
  13. Ronaldo - I am with you and I hope you will make it to be in PRO Cup. We have just created our team with Petri
  14. I can run it on def Maybe tomorrow I will start getting serious
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