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Everything posted by mr.paco

  1. Thank you both very much. Have a nice day...
  2. Thanx, Good points. Will wait n see what he says...
  3. Ticket ID: 1213 Priority: Medium I dont seem to see where to submit the 256bit version of the Radeon xpress 200. I do see for 32bit and 64bi. Maybe I missed it somewhere.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/6a3w9/\r\nThank you for your time...
  4. Thank you for the info, Now I know ...
  5. Ticket ID: 1174 Priority: Medium I noticed the s462 (sA) achievments are not calculating towards me earning them as are the other various achievments.\r\nIs it something I am doing wrong?\r\nThank you for your help with this...
  6. Could you please add Abit motherboard it is a TH7 Raid Thank you very much...
  7. You mistakenly submitted a PCMark-run for a Memory-clock run Your mem-clock is really 250mhz
  8. Shrimpbrime, Optytrooper & MrScott with my veryfirst OC and then the whole gang @ ClassicPlatforms who showed me the true meaning of TEAM and what a blast benchmarking is... Never looked back since then...
  9. The Doc is in the house. Very nice Bones
  10. Ol' Skool lets you show your SKILLZZZ, Nice run...
  11. It appears that the chip might be an engenniers sample and cpuz is reading it inccorectly. But to be honest Antinomy could explaine it much better than I could. I will resubmit my request when I have cleared this up. Thank you very much...
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