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Everything posted by err0r

  1. Here is a link for 2402 and 2503 modded BIOSes from dsanke , I also have a Maximus IX Apex with the hardmod made and I had it working on it a i7 8700k , i7 8086k and a i9 9900k without problems. I am using 2203 BIOS at the moment with that board as I didn't have the time to try these latest BIOSes. I hope it helps , cheers. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vwPVwKMb2mVRvMZ4cpLBsCToq_Mh2zXO/view?usp=sharing
  2. After playing for a while with the Asus Maximus XI Gene I was able to install all USB drivers , 3.0 and 3.1 , so a fully functional Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with SP1. I did the same for a Slim version of Windows 7 x64 for benching and I thought to share them here in case someone needs either of the two and save some time and trouble with the USB drivers install. Hopefully these will help a few users which are still benching on Z390 platform , I added 2 screen shots , the first is for Win7 x64 Slim which has a lot of features removed and for this one I couldn't install Intel Management Engine Interface as it doesn't have some dll files and my knowledge is limited , but doesn't affect the benching scores , while the second is a full copy of Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with everything installed including the IMEI. Both backup images created with Acronis have only the drivers of the motherboard M11G installed including like I said both USB 3.0 and 3.1 , all other applications/programs are left for the user to decide. One note , when installing both I used MBR partition instead of GPT , otherwise Windows 7 Ultimate cannot be activated on GPT partitions. The second file , Win7.x64Ult.Daily.M11G is somehow large @ 7.2 Gb size so I had to upload it to another site , if there is somebody that can host it permanently somewhere I would appreciate it because after 14 days the link will become unavailable. Here it is after I managed to upload to google drive , sorry for the delay --https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ALJ-ASUScrenZnwmkWgONNGjQXAzQg3G/view?usp=sharing Win7.x64Ult_Slim.M11G_full_b1_s1_v1.tib
  3. Thank you ! I didn't read the manual (to my shame) so had no idea about the tool tab in the BIOS , it is there , I disabled , I restored an image and all's good , I was getting really annoyed by it and it was such an easy solve.
  4. Hello everybody , I got a Maximus XI Gene recently and after several attempts to backup some older images from M9A or M10A for either Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 (which I curently use as I find it faster than any Win10 edition) or fresh install of the mentioned OS'es I cannot get rid of the very annoying by now Asus Update Check (part of ASUS Armoury Crate) , no matter if I install it when asked about it or cancel it. It will auto install no matter what and each time I reboot or shut down the PC it takes up to 10 seconds untill it stops the service and execute the command. I uninstalled the live update , I disabled the service from services.msc , I even delete the file itself from the system32 folder inside Windows folder to no success . Each time I reboot/turn on the PC the service gets back and is automatically enabled regardless of whatever previous action I did. It became really annoying to me especially since there is no option to turn on/off to my choice , to the use choice , these forced stuff I hate so much. If I knew about this I swear I wouldn't buy an ASUS board if this service is available on Apex XI as well , I would've searched for a Z390 Dark ! Anybody tried succesfully to turn off this service somehow for these boards and if so how did you do it ? If I won't find any solution any time soon , I will sell it for sure. Thank you in advance for any eventual replies or for any suggestions.
  5. Never won anything so far , but who knows ... Anyway they say it's a start for everything so ... why not , lemme try
  6. We had unique voices over the time , Elvis Presley , Frank Sinatra , Freddy Mercury , Luciano Pavarotti , Louis Armstrong and a few others but since I dicovered this guy Dimash Kudaibergen I can't have a day passed to listen to at least one of his songs. His voice ability is simply unmatched , unbelievable what he can do with that ease , is like he's not human. I attended musical school when I was a youngsters and I was also part of Romanian Opera choire for children for a few years , I have some knowledge about music so when I first heard him it was a complete shock really. You would think it's impossible for one human being to be able to do what he does , he can reach 8 octaves , but he's a living proof that actually it is possible. Simply amazing , to me he is the GOAT. He has different sons with different genres but here's one of my favorites as I really love opera and this is a masterpiece , a song compozed especially for him for his abilities , if you close your eyes or only listen to the music with no video you swear there are at least 2 people singing this song. Enjoy like I do
  7. Grats for the improvement , I bet you lost a good amount of time for the tweaks and finding the sweetspot but impressive result , you have it among the LN2 scores.
  8. Wow , great run my friend , you put that CPU to good use :) but the board also helped you , running mem like a champ, congrats.
  9. I benched today Sunday 5 jan 2020 with a GTX770 used previously on air and now on water cooling and this time I used the latest CPU-Z version 1.91 in the print screens as well as I included a text with my nickname , card used and current date. I also did a video with my general setup , the room where I installed my hardware instead of staying outside , the "guilty" bucket with only water , no ice or anything else to help going subzero , just taking advantage of the chill weather this period of time in Bucharest and the monitor used. I hope this is enough proof to you or anybody else that I'm using real stuff , hardware I own. General setup video - https://www.bitchute.com/video/896vM1XkszrS/
  10. I did a video with this score to prove to mr. AdventurePO (and not only) that what I use is for real and nothing subzero , benched and filmed today 5 jan 2020. I also did a video with my general setup , the empty room soon to be demolished in which I bench instead of staying outside , to "guilty" bucket which is used as is , no ice or anything else just taking advantage of the chill temps in this period of time in Bucharest. I hope this is enough evidence as I also used latest cpu-z 1.91 in the print screens as well as a text with my nickname and current date. 2k3 result - https://www.bitchute.com/video/8QJcQbdyzmlk/ General Setup - https://www.bitchute.com/video/896vM1XkszrS/
  11. I did benched on ambient , I have an empty room part of a body of rooms that will be demolished sometime in near future to be replaced by a new construction. In the meantime is used to store some things but mostly is empty. Instead of staying outside in the yard with all my hardware , I am using that room since the temps nowadays in Bucharest are between 2-7 celsius during the day. I am using a Horizon 22" monitor 1680x1050 res for this purpose and the full screen picture can be seen in a pgn format in one of the 3 tests that require to upload a file , Aquamark and 2 Unigines Heaven Basic and Extreme. I had no idea I have to include a text with 2020 visible in it but for the next tests I will and I will also include pictures of the room , monitor and so on. As for the cuting print screen , I always did this to make it in jpg format which is smaller size than pgn but here it is for your curiosity , https://imgur.com/6Z7KhTU
  12. Can you be more specific please , which one of the 3 above do you have it ?
  13. Still looking ^^
  14. Thank you Mythical but I had a M10A , I have my CPU now on a modded M9A since I did a combo with the 10A for my brother and wanted to try the 11A as I saw it is a better overclocker not only for the ram but the CPU also needs less voltage. I can find another 10A localy but I can't order a 11A or Z390 Dark since they are not listed on any retailer list here. I could order a M11G but the oppinions on the performance is split between the people who had experience with it unlike the main two ones listed above. As for the MOCF I still have a few legacy GPU's that would perform in few 3d tests better on Win XP than other OS and my CPU even though not a golden chip is still an ok'ish one and I am tempted to try it out.
  15. Looking for one of the 2 boards mainly or a Z170M OCF hard modded so I can run a 9900k on it. If any available please give more info about them , condition , etc. Thank you in advance.
  16. Thank you guys , the Eheim submersible pump I also got it from poparamiro and since the temps droppped to 4-5 Celsius this period in Bucharest , I thought to play a little bit and see what it can do :)
  17. @ MaddMutt Yes , it is modded , I bought it as a bundle along with a few other GPU's from poparamiro ,he had a topic with massive number of old GPU's , the majority (if not all) modded by him.
  18. Tyvm FireKillerGR , was looking for it myself.
  19. If only you could test if it's working with 9900k ...I guess you don't have anybody in your area to help you out with this ...
  20. I don't think it is because otherwise why it is needed to create these custom BIOS files to make the M9A work with CL CPU's. On the official page in the list of CPU support the max is 7 series (7700K) so natively the CL CPU's (8xxx and 9xxx) are not supported officialy.
  21. Hey , it should work. If you have your motherboard modded to work with CoffeeLake CPU's you don't need to isolate/strap pads on the CPU. I have the same motherboard Maximus IX Apex and 9900k and I just flashed the BIOS to check if it's working and it does , no problems. You do need a flash drive that work on this motherboard like dreamcat4 said , I remember when I first tried with a few SanDisk flash drives and it didn't works , seems those are not compatible with this board for this task , I changed to a noname flash drive and it's working ever since. The file already has the .rom extension so just rename ROG-MAXIMUS-IX-APEX-ASUS-2203.rom to creative.rom , I didn't use any tool just simple rename the file and should work. Use the proper USB port (the one located near the HDMI port on the bottom) press the flash back button untill it start to flash and then let it finish , aprox. 1-2 minutes depends how fast your flash drive is. Good luck , it is quite easy.
  22. I understand now , thank you all very much for explaining.
  23. Was the first time I used a GTX 1060 no matter the version . As far as I have seen from previous uploads , the points are added after a few hours , 4-6 hours , might be because is weekend ? Anyway , I am still confused about the system of points as one time I got more than expected and now for example only a few. Well , I got nothing else to do but wait now ...
  24. Can somebody please explain how points are calculated and how/what they appear in the profile ? Yesterday I uploaded 20+ tests with a GTX 1060 6gb (GP106) and in total I got around 150 _160 hardware points but in my profile I only got like 5-7 points (going from 1498 if I remember corectly to now 1505) ? I just don't get it , in the past I uploaded tests where in total I gained quite less hardware points than this time , but in my profile I got around 50 points ... I'm confused really , what's the criteria here ? Thank you in advance for any explanation that can make me understand the mechanism ...
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