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Everything posted by Luebke

  1. yes, but imho is allways the same benches on allways the same hardware boring
  2. why? should it only be for rich/sponsored benchers? old hardware can everybody buy for a few euros/dollars, a sandybridge with 5,4 ghz+ for gpu-benches is to expensive to me and many others... and without it´s senseless to participate. if you would have many teams participating you have to give them all a chance to get points... the more different competitions, the more teams would participate.
  3. please make a mix of new and classic hardware (especialy non-amd-intel-nvidia hardware) to make it more diversified and maybe some "new" (non-boints-)benches like aquanox or something completly new/different
  4. i think it´s no good idea to allow deleting results. if you try get the first place it´s your own risk this time i can´t compete, bekause i have just a eight-core system at moment but i hope next time it will not be allowed to delete results when you try get first place and fail and than just try get 11th with a lower result... the more risk, the more fun oh and please a benchmark, thats not used for boints. maybe aqunox or something like that i can´t see allways the same scenes anymore
  5. thx it was the best result of our teams "bulldozer-party" this weekend ^^
  6. 15 points for 4th place? Oô cheater
  7. jep, thats why i like benching so
  8. Stage 1: "Averange of top 5 scores by 5 users with 5 different setups" why is for example united kingdom with a avg of 259,67 better than indonesia with a avg of 377,05? Oô does avg of top 5 count or the summ?
  9. 2,128 volts? Oô i won´t do that to my barton but very good result
  10. who needs a sandy-e when he can have such a monster?
  11. i guess bulldozer makes sense, doesn´t it? in the list of actual records is the bulldozer shown...
  12. and it recives nearly as much comments as an extreme high score idea for december-competition: the lowest cpu frequency
  13. woah switzerland must be cool -180°C and less i use ln2 maybe once or twice a year
  14. of course only one module, but did you realy need just one sample`? whats about the others? is it true, that it is possible with each bulldozer to break the 8 ghz wall? or do i need to buy many samples to find one, thats able to?
  15. somebody from amd said to me, 8 ghz+ are no problem for nearly each sample of bulldozer. is that true? i can´t belive that. how many samples did you try? did you realy need just one sample to reach that result? ore did you test many samples before and just picked the best one out?
  16. ah ok. german wikipedia makes a difference between k8 (=singel core) and k9 (=dual core) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K8 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K9 good to know i needn´t try to oc my s754...^^ thx btw: good idea to post the best results for the cpus at the competition side
  17. the dualcores like athlon x2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K9 k8 is singelcore socket 754 and 939, isn´t it?
  18. last time in the k8-stage k9-cpus were allowed. whats about this time?
  19. i don´t think this is realy a tripple-sli, is it? maybe wrong section?
  20. did you get pretested samples or many samples to pretest them yourself? or was it just luck to get one very good sample?
  21. i say he is from belgium, am i right? are there points or achievments for the right answer?
  22. thats a good idea. not everybody reads this thread before participating that competition...
  23. nice signature SoF
  24. ah much better thx @ massman and christian
  25. i wish i had just one (not dead!) x980 my best is a phenom II 940, but a bad sample. for only 3,3 ghz it needs already more vcore -.-
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