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Everything posted by Luebke

  1. Congratulation Greece, well done
  2. thx i need more time, but i´ve to try two more cpus (FX-4320, FX-8150) for the competition. so that result isn´t final but no ln2 this time, sry
  3. yeah FX-4320 are great =) two of them hit 8 ghz in first run!!! btw: nice pot der8auer it did a good job^^
  4. hey, very cool idea =) a real amd vs. intel ^^ it´s a pitiy i don´t have a competitive graphiccard
  5. done. why can´t they just let the last two versions of cpu-z validateable? a team mate has already lost a 6,9 ghz result for his phenom II because they changed just a few days before the version and he couldn´t validate his files -.-
  6. the new version of cpu-z doesn´t work on DFI LANPARTY DK 790FXB: old version give right values, the new version (new downloaded) just gives trash values -.- for exsample: cpu-z 1.58: 564 mhz for ram, same time cpu-z 1.61: 176 mhz (both tabs open same time) Oô cpu-clock, fsb, ram,... all values are wrong. installed severel times including one new download if the first one was damaged...
  7. the new version of cpu-z doesn´t work on DFI LANPARTY DK 790FXB old version give right values, the new version (just new downloaded) just gives trash values -.-
  8. whats about ion2? its an onboard gpu, not discrete. igp or not igp? i thought every graphicunit onboard (non discrete) is igp Oô pci-e, agp, mxm, etc. of course is discrete...
  9. 9800gt m or 8600gt m are mxm cards, not onboard. a gpu is onboard, when it´s part of the board itself, isn´t it?
  10. so it is allowed just to run the 64 core-thread? i´ll try benching core2 this weekend...
  11. ive tried, too and between default settings and only the best test are more than 100 points difference. i guess only default-settings should be allowed. you have to use default settings for a valid result, don´t you?
  12. 385.19 mhz fsb? my doesn´t work @ 283 mhz (air cooling) -.- i´ve heard a lot about bad cpu- and gpu-samples but in this case i´ve a bad motherboard-sample nice result
  13. it´s kind of you to give us others with less hardware a chance
  14. thats good. theres stuff enough to bench for the team cup ^^ maybe there could be a overview of results from all sub-competition on the team cup main-page..?
  15. thanks will there be "normal" monthly competitions in june - september? because of the team cup...
  16. no prob http://hwbot.org/competition/legacy_leisure_am21
  17. hey, what´s about a "1900-competiton"? only hardware bevor 2000 allowed? voodoo3 is from 1999 intel p3 "coppermine" is from 1999 amd athlon "pluto" and "orion" are from 1999 maybe something like stage 1: 3d mark 99 stage 2: wprime 32 stage 3: aquanox 2.1 stage 4: super pi 1m
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