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Everything posted by Luebke

  1. whatever. i´d make a own stage for cpu-igp. they are a class of it´s own. there are a lot of different, interesting chipset-gpus that can be combinated with a lot of cpus. that might be interesting. but cpu-igp is just cpu-oc, no matter what board, chipset or somthing else woud be used. and chipset-igp is completly chanceless against that. just my two cents...
  2. for igp-stage: are cpu-integrated gpus allowed? i hope not, because in that case there will only be sandybridge with hd3000 and no competition between chipset-graphics. that might be boring. the sandy with highest clocks wins automaticly.
  3. my s462 mobo doesn´t work .___. i gues a 133mhz (my second s462) result is useless to submit, hm?^^
  4. yes, awards are a good idea
  5. 'give-us-hardware-and-we-give-you-award' i bet the vendor can decide wich award he wants to recive for the test
  6. @Massman: i guess especialy the bclk-challange would be optimal for a challange for both "fans"
  7. four intel sockets and just one amd socket? whats about 754, am2 or am3?
  8. a classic benchmark. nice i like classic ^^
  9. AHHH! =D but please a lot of different cathegories. if just the fastest hdd/ssd counts, there will be just ssd-benches and a few or no hdd-benches. each cathegorie for it´s own: 1,8", 2,5", 3,5", 5,25"... maybe 5400 rpm, 7200 rpm and 10000 rpm... and please separate ide, sata, scsi... the more cathegories, the more benches, the more fun! oh it´s realy difficult to find a programm to verify what controller and (raid-)setup was used
  10. whats about my idea with a hdd/ssd-bench? am i the only one who wants to bench more pc-parts instead of more benches for the same parts?
  11. i guess it´s allowed, too. some cards were able to such tweaking (gf6200A, gf6800, x800 gto², gtx465, 6950) others not. physical it is the same card, you just modify the bios, but modifying a bios is normal for cpu, so why not for gpu? in your case i´d ask massman.
  12. maybe you could make a list of benchmarks, that could replace the sandra? there are a lot of different benchmarks. maybe a hd-tune for hdd-benches? there are lots of benches vor cpu und gpu, and one for board and two for ram but no bench for hdd/ssd. and as cathegories: hdd: - 5,25" ide - 3,5" ide, sata (II, III), scsi (div.) - 2,5" ide, sata (II, III), scsi (div.) - 1,8" ide, sata (II, III), scsi? ssd usb-sticks maybe cd-rom, dvd-rom and blue-ray, too? that would be more hardware to bench
  13. geforce 6 - 200? why so "new" stuff? i´d like a geforce 2 - 6 competition or radeon 7000 - x1000 ok might be an interesting competition but not for my weak system
  14. used super pi to bring cpu in turbomode and then run the bench. i have no idea how to hold the cpu in turbomode.
  15. oh sounds like a lot of work for just a singel benchmark i guess i´ve got to learn a lot more about benchmarking ^^ thx
  16. the Overclocking Tools CD is a great idea very usefull thx for your work
  17. better? i´d be glad to have your "not so good" samples
  18. wow cool i need such conections, too. ^^
  19. wow, that´s impressive how many athlons did you test to find this sampel?
  20. but whats about mamehdis first question? "where is Force recalculation in the new version hwbot ?" i´ve searched for it, too^^
  21. looks usefull where can i get it from? ^^
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