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Everything posted by saint19

  1. I need a good person that give me credit for an A75 Gigabyte mobo and a APU CPU for this contest, I want enter!!!!
  2. Take your time, the 55 days left are more that enough for fix the problem and upload the scores.
  3. That fix can take time, hope than not much for upload the score.
  4. Nice Currently we have many challenge, I hope to see more for AMD.
  5. Ticket ID: 1325 Priority: Medium Hi guys.\r\n\r\nI uploaded this score to the 6th stage on the Legacy challenge, but I\'m not sure if it\'s correct or it\'s not valid for that stage.\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/submission/2195503\r\n\r\nThanks for the help.
  6. Hi guys. I uploaded this score to the 6th stage on the Legacy challenge, but I'm not sure if it's correct or it's not valid for that stage. http://hwbot.org/submission/2195503 Thanks for the help.
  7. Yeah, I'll look the way to get one of those A75 chipset and a new APU CPU. Obiously the guys like you have more experience on this one.
  8. +1 for y-cruncher, works very well.
  9. Nice, anther AMD challenge. Looks very good, but I wish than we can use socket AM3 instead of only A75. International shipping yo my country is expensive and I really want enter on this one. Anyway, good luck to the guys that enter on this, maybe I can find something really cheap for enter.
  10. Agree with uncle fester and El Gappo, we are the 1st line to keep the benchmark clean and between rules.
  11. I vote for remove it and add points to PCMark07 as ximi say. I only ran this bench once time and wasn't very productive.
  12. I vote for keep it, but re-lease the rules. I saw that some of the rules are very old and even PCMark Vantage doesn't show the proper example picture in rules.
  13. Add hardware boints and if the things looks good add global boints in future.
  14. @iceman182: Lo que comprueba que los componentes hacen la diferencia @mipajara: El sistema cierra el contest con la hora del servidor de HWBot, que esta a +2 GMT y no a -5 como nosotros.
  15. http://www.futuremark.com/support/pcmark04/ In other words, ignore the message and run the benchmark.
  16. http://www.futuremark.com/support/pcmark04/ I think that is affinity or you haven't installed WME 9.
  17. Yeah, thanks guys. I think that points are more difficult but the leagues are more fair with the users on air like me. Can I post another problem here? I'm trying to submit a score in the "Campus Party overclocking team" contest, the the systems apparently doesn't recognize that I'm from Colombia.
  18. Why my boints went from 49.7 to 32.20? I lost 17.5 boints with the new Rev. 4
  19. I want the CPU running at full speed, so, I will try the Turrican suggestion. Opty already did his magic in the K7 line, so, my 2600+ can not go so high...i think.
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