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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. http://hwbot.org/image/1829089.jpg I get half the fps in 1st test than this.. it will be a serious software issue.. will try reinstall OS
  2. it was same shit at 5gig cpu. 3d11 was weak too but it came to life dont know really why,but started producing good numbers.maybe low level io driver sucked. but fs not scaling with cpu ..
  3. yep but im 100fps behind so I think problem will be in another area. 3dmark firestrike ultra is somewhat good but normal firestrike is like 40-50% gpu load on both gpu-s in gametest 1. cpu is 7980xe at only 4.0. its that much cpu limit ??
  4. what should I do to that shitty bench to finally use SLI ? only 50% gpu usage on both cards .....
  5. Hello topic as is. wtb working z77 oc formula or maximus v gene - formula - extreme or gbt z77x up7 board board only is OK no need for anything else for cheapest shipping costs. shoot me PMz! Adam
  6. subaruwrc

    Good 8600k

    where is pic of item ?
  7. Planning to lap the IHS and use grizzly on 890FX UD7 ... :)
  8. hey sorry for opening a new topic for this but I would like to get answers. so all cores + ht enabled in bios ( p1.40 x299 ocf ) but in windows (7 x64 professional )it shows only 16/32 ( cpuz ) task manager and device manager shows all. donno if benchmark uses all 36t ( 3dmark 11) is there a way to solve this ? ( all 36t recognized in cpuz ) if I disable ht, it shows 18/18 .. thanks in advance.
  9. cpu-z misread is the 16/32c ? mine cpu does that too. ht off it shows correct 18 cores btw..
  10. 890fxa ud7 reserved for me! !
  11. 1.55 from bios ? no cold bug issues under -100 ?
  12. should I find coldbugless CPU or board ? I see results only with ch7hero but nothing else but my 2/2 2700x cpu-s had problems under -100c on x470 taichi ..
  13. you got a little gtx 580 on your ice bro. awesome ! keep pushing :)
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