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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. Sure,shoot me a pm!
  2. [ATTACH]5517[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5518[/ATTACH] Don't have to talk to much about this board Comes with box and accessories ( most of them ) insulated - ready for Ln2 in two minutes. runs 6950x flawlessly -known issues: back usb ports / ps2 not working - no SN means no factory warranty at all. asking for 135 EUR + shipping to destination country via PayPal. pm me for details. Sub
  3. changed my gtx 760 gpu to a 1070 turbo and gained a big nothing in cpu tests. so how is that ? ( apart from Im stuck at 59 RTL maybe thats capping my eff )
  4. oced 980ti for cpu test? interesting.. will try with 1080ti lol ..
  5. why exactly 37gr?
  6. or the only problem all board has is you. never underestimate user error..
  7. other settings? not working is not a stable point to start from vcio vcsa ? dram volts ?
  8. try 2t first. mine went up to 3866 c12 2t without probs. F20d or X27a bios.
  9. Thank you!
  10. So I should use the black slots for better memory OC ? ( clock and stability )
  11. that system really flies,keep pushing!
  12. nice vcore,cpu has more in it mhz wise I guess.
  13. interesting memory divider choice.Always love Team Katana results! nice!
  14. will buy one if possible
  15. put a piece of paper under the actual item and write your name and date on it with price wanted for it to make this a proper for sale thread.
  16. up mate!
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