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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. still a lot better than mine. In 4 sessions my best was full pot with 2c enabled for max valid... not a single 5ghz 8/16 bench is done. seems the 1st mem freezes after 30min and I got bsod all over .. cbb is not an issue fortunately (x470 taichi )
  2. what about the gigabutt x470 board ? sucks under cold ?
  3. how much you could pull the temps? i have serious issues below -100-120 ...
  4. downclock memory to 2666mhz and enjoy your x99 build.
  5. when you don't even need a monitor to bench, LOL. OC is getting pretty ridiculous these days.
  6. why dont u insulate those tubes,condensation will melt on top of your titan xp's vrm once..
  7. the pcie layout is the same useless on this board for 4 way ... cpu vrm section looks epic btw. any chance of a full size photo of the board ?
  8. If this " benchmark " would not have so much sponsorship from intel, it wouldnt even gone to final phase. Why are you protecting this shit so much ? At least make the screenshot thing mandatory .... Why I smell you protect some of the " big " names in the process ?...
  9. I voted for it a year ( or 2 ago ) and nobody even seemed to have read it lol. but finally it is mandatory.( i hope ? )
  10. nice eff,even better compared to mine lol
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