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Everything posted by Max-Hardware_Numb3rs

  1. Is that Fusion compatible with Socket A ?
  2. The A2 kit is tempting me ? Let me think about it for a couple of hours and I'll PM you!
  3. Random retail sample, apparently I'm lucky with Ryzens :)
  4. Full session here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxOt6jmTON4
  5. Does the 9900K suffer from CB?
  6. You entered the wrong benchmark, CB15 instead of CB20 :)
  7. Yes, very nice one, if I may, with or without waza?
  8. Does this KF version still suffer from CB?
  9. The problem with Ryzens is max memory frequency, the IMC struggle to get higher as intel, but on the contrary it loves low timings, C11 or C10 is the best way to avoid being bottlenecked by the RAM frequency
  10. LoL I did some test with Intel between my actual Windows 7 build and Barbonenet Xp, I have roughly the same result (without waza), so probably I will keep optimizing 7 instead of wasting time with Xp, lately I have no time for big os experiments.
  11. So is better to focus on W7 then, didn’t want to spend times on something useless. thanks for the feedback! ?
  12. Yes, but now I’m working on another iso so I’ll try again with also some other drivers variants, I really hope that the effort to run Xp pays off. At least to get waza working properly and gain something there
  13. It's worth a try, tonight I'll give it a shot. Still no luck with Xp I can make it to start the installation but no disks available, I have to try with others pcie cards.
  14. Coffe mug for the real old school overclockers lol you should try ^_^
  15. Nice score! Well done, you have a great IMC there, mine is walled at 1860 (regardless the Cas). Be careful with this benchmark on Ryzen, the risk of killing the CPU is even higher than Intel.
  16. What about the OS? The standard rules does not apply here? I saw a lot of Win8+ submission.
  17. That's very interesting, you have also 15MHz less in CPU frequency and slightly more relaxed timings than my setup. At that time if I recall correctly the high bus was needed to push the sub timings that were blocked, now we don't have that problem anymore, I'm sure at this point that the OS optimization is the key. I never had problem with that, it's only matter to patch the installation media with the right drivers or install 7 in another machine and swap the disk
  18. I tried with the Gigabyte Aorus Gaming 7 X470, but unfortunately there's no improvement there, plus the Crosshair have a better memory management and voltages, I can reach higer clocks with tighter timings, so the board it's not the solution. I tried a 2200G with the CH7, not bad considering it's a Gen1 Ryzen.
  19. I have various boards here, like a Gigabyte X470 Gaming 7, I think I went to -96 once with the cascade without issues, it may be worth a try, tonight I try a 4GHz there and we’ll see.
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