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Everything posted by Monstru

  1. You would rather to have a situation like last year with 3 x same model golden CPU? Fine by me, let's have the 2k1 with E8600 and se who can keep up.... CountryCup means TEAM effort, TEAM spirit, not individual competing. That means people working together. As long as the rules are respected, what is the problem? Sandy Bridge? With Sandy Bridge the chances are pretty much equal, since they all go the same. The mobos are in stock since last years, the CPU's are available in retail since the upcoming Monday, and they are officialy launched since Jan 3rd. Most 2500K and 2600K can go 5300-5400MHz. Equal chances. @KB - We have SB in Romania and you don't have them in Norway? A....LOL?
  2. Yeah, more pics coming soon. Unfortunately, air-cooled vga's and nothing very interesting on the vga part, but it was nice
  3. It is January 6...what are we waiting for?
  4. I will be joining pretty soon BTW, what VTT and VDDR did you use?
  5. Now why the heck would you need 1.4 vQPI for sandy bell? =))
  6. Yup http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showpost.php?p=4690571&postcount=47
  7. Try renaming the exec and see if that works.
  8. Nice to see Vlad's crazy Unigine too
  9. Oh well, what can we do, let's warm up a bit
  10. Hmm, I like this different hardware rule, it makes people find the best 3 solutions and use them, instead of using the obvious 3 x same most powerfull solution (like 3 x GTX 580 for 3 Unigine scores, now had to be done with GTX 580 and two other model VGA's). I think this is a very good addition to the competition. At this moment the only 2 things I am not very fond of are the period for the competition, and the Maxxmem which I personally really do not like, but that's just my opinion
  11. Well, here is another top of the line board, and this time it is the top of the line Asus P67 board, Asus Maximus IV Extreme. Of course, we are talking about a mean, good looking motherboard, with a mean, good looking BIOS. ROG EFI Bios, that is Asus Maximus IV Extreme Preview | lab501 | Translate
  12. Today is the day when a very special friend is getting another year younger. His name is George and he is from Greece, and as of today, he is 38. On behalf of myself, my colleagues and the entire LAB501 community, I would like to wish a very warm Happy Birthday to our friend, hipro5!!!
  13. Ok, but in this case what will the name of the submitter be for these results? Annonymus or something like that?
  14. You know matose, allways unlocking something, allways trying to open the doors that were closed by manufacturers.This time the subject is SLI on AMD 890FX boards, and we're talking about SLI, with 60-70% scaling numbers, not Lucid Hydra mixed multi-card. In this case, he used Asus Crosshair IV Extreme, and the PCI-E slots used were nr 1 and nr 3, that are connected directly to the chipset (in order to bypass the Hydra chip controlling the slots nr 2, 4 and 5. Guide for activating SLI on AMD 890FX platforms - LAB501 - Google Translate
  15. New ORB and upcoming 3DMark 2011 are great news, retiring support for old bnechmarks is not a god news.
  16. Hi guys, just woke up after a long night. We have 3 articles, you can find them bellow: Asus HD 6870 and 6850 vs GTX 460, GTX 460 1GB, GTX 470 and HD 5850, stock & OC - Google Translate Highest frequency we reached on Asus HD 6850 with stock cooler and normal ambient - 1060MHZ HD 6870 and HD 6850 - Multicard configuration vs 2 x GTX 460, 2 x GTX 460 1GB, GTX 480 and HD 5870 - Google Translate Gigabyte HD 6870 overclockinging study - Google Translate Poparamiro takes Gigabyte HD6870 to an astounding 1200MHz !!!!
  17. Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa.....you have a full retail board....Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....and there I was stuck with my REV 0.2 board =))
  18. Report this to GBT, it is clear they did some stoopid booboo
  19. UD9 sold like 10+ piece here. Not a problem with UD9 1.0 so far. Problem is...RE3 sold much more, and people are very upset because the socket is Foxconn, not Lotes like on my sample (my RE3 sample that is), the RAM slots are some chinese stuff, not Lotes like on my sample, when they use a high pressure cooler they loose the RAM channels, which does not happen on my sample, and so on...
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