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Everything posted by keeph8n

  1. keeph8n

    TR 3990X

    It isn't released yet
  2. keeph8n


  3. keeph8n


    Pending sale
  4. keeph8n


    Up for sale is a 7350K I purchased from Brady. Good chip, but needing to downsize my stuff for the time being. Quote from Brady on the chip specifications Just tested the 7350k. Its just a hair worse than the previous cpu, but its super easy to bench. Full pot restart no problem and -145 cbb. This is pretty rare for mocf. Most cpu need -173 for reset, and cbb is closer to -125-130. 6633mhz r15 with KPX paste on z170m ocf. I don't have screens for ambient but before delid on z270 apex it did 50/46 1.24v and 51/46 1.32v same testing conditions as I listed in the previous for sale thread. looking for $200 shipped via paypal for Continental USA. bottom picture is from Brady and his testing
  5. Want to again give a huge shoutout to all who have joined. we are just at 100 members including some of the HWBOT staff. I can’t say how much I appreciate each and every one of you. we have had some growing pains but have worked through them flawlessly. This is a community for you guys and I’m glad you guys are embracing this. thank you again guys. Let’s keep up the great discussions and I’ll see you guys around there.
  6. ES Hardwarezzzzzzzz GPUPi 32B four way Hawaii based. Lol
  7. I have an older EKWB block that was used on a 1366 system I received. Should fit 1151/2066 as well. Yours if you want to pay shipping
  8. Definitely a platform I am enjoying. Few things here and there I think I can do to gain some efficiency
  9. Easy now fellers, I can't let you guys have all the fun just yet.
  10. Fantastic looking comp to kick off the 2020 year imo. One question though. For Pro OC Y-Cruncher, we must have 64GB of total system memory or must have 64GB of system memory enabled(ala no max mem set)
  11. @der8urner i think said he had a 3950X for sale
  12. keeph8n

    TR 3990X

    Plenty of benchmarks support the thread count
  13. R20 scales with cores, R15 scales with cores. GB3/4/5 scale with cores. GPUPi scales with cores. X265 scales with cores. Shall I continue?
  14. Still going strong heading into a new week. Lots of discussions going on. The instant feedback imo is amazing. Live discussions with benchers from all over the world on their thoughts on how things are being implemented and run! Thanks again to those already there and look forward to more of you joining!
  15. Finally got this working! Excited to run 32M this week on the juice
  16. I have that as well. Have had it for a month or two now
  17. yes, with two Cs
  18. Man what a blast it has been chatting with you all. tons of discussions going out. Lots of feedback coming in. you guys are amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you
  19. Dont make me come there and smack some sense into you...........
  20. Lots of discussion last night! So good to see everyone just chatting away. Love this community. All kinds of cooling discussions and hard mods. Come join the fun. Got a spot for Mat and his Benchmate program so people can stay up to date. Was badass seeing Mat go to work with problems people were having. I have private team channels setup for some teams so far, so if you guys want to have a place to discuss things the channels can be turned over to the appropriate team captains at any time.
  21. Sooooooon. just need to do the 0.95V Rail mod on mine and I can come after this. Good job Shar!
  22. Have seen quite a few of you guys stopping by. I do appreciate and look forward to seeing more of you around
  23. Hoping to have this as being geared more towards the competitive bencher vs just everyone interested in OC
  24. Well I’m giving this initial post a little update for everyone. The server formally called LN2 Haven has been swapped over to being the Official HWBOT discord server. The server is geared towards HWBOT and it’s members. You will find multiple staff members inside the server along with multiple benchmark developers. we are here for you guys. Share feedback, bench reports, experience, etc. what does this mean for current members? Nothing. Same great community with just a new branding. for new members I would like to extend a huge welcome and enjoy your stay. The Official HWBOT Discord Server
  25. Updated with items that have been sold and added
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