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Everything posted by keeph8n

  1. League Structure, How do YOU want it? Put your thoughts into a vote. Do you want to keep the leagues the way they are(separated by cooling used) or would you rather we split the leagues into like a ELITE/Everyone/Rookies
  2. Yeah unfortunately Benchmate doesn't cover all benches so it wouldn't work for temperature monitoring. Even if something like that was implemented, people would just bench the non Benchmate benches and be done with it if they wanted to get around it. As it was proposed to me in the Discord, Elite/Everyone Else/Rookies(3mo-6mo timeframe) sounds good especially if the algorithm is changed to reflect points past 75%. Those lower ranked will get points still, and if they want more points they can move up in cooling solution.
  3. I mean its not Elite vs everyone else. Its elite vs elite and then the rest of the leagues are the same. You are facing against your same type. If you want to move it to Sponsored vs not sponsored you are going to have those who aren't sponsored trying to compete water/chiller/SS vs LN2. Changing the league structure could be welcome depending on how it was done and implemented. It realistically depends on what the people want. Elite is already separated and vs ourselves. I don't get what people want when they say Elite vs everyone else. I'd like to see Rookie Rumbles and Novice Nimbles make a comeback. They disappeared right before I came on board and I always heard really good things about them and how people enjoyed them. Not sure if this is even feasible, but mass uploads would be pretty cool imo. Get done with your session and upload 10-15 scores at once vs doing each one individually.
  4. When using the newest bios, 0807(iirc), I run into shutdowns when benching on ambient. been working on y-cruncher testing for ProOC and anytime I OC the chip(4GHz mild boot) it will shut the system off as soon as y-cruncher starts it’s bench run
  5. Sounds like someone taking advantage. My normal place charges me $1/liter and the local Airgas and Praxair both charge $3/liter anymore
  6. I’m in for this Allen
  7. probably moreso that I literally tell everything I'm doing when benching on stream usually.
  8. Just let me know @Leeghoofd I can record and upload to youtube, record and send to whomever, or just live stream and link the vod. Just DM me either here or on Discord and I will do what I can
  9. @Leeghoofd are training/information videos needed? Could possibly do some on what needs to be in the screen cap and such
  10. Proposed changes look great tbh. Having things easily accessible and understandable for newcomers will be great imo.
  11. Something else you have going on i would suspect
  12. He is the head moderator as an fyi. He is supposed to look at the subs
  13. keeph8n

    TR 3990X

    The 3990X hasn't been released to the public yet. Therefor anyone who may or may not have one can't comment on its performance as its not available yet.
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