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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. @bigblock990sorry I replied through email and didn't see it due to only seeing the first half of the post. I received this motherboard from a retired overclocker and it didn't appear to have any insulation on it but I know for sure that it was run cold so maybe something shorted. He has a lot of dead m9 apexs (as you can see in the for sale thread of dead mobos) thank you bigblock and aero for the suggestion I will try that. Do you know if the x apex has this problem before I pick one up?
  2. @aerotracksWhat did you use for a spray? If I can even get a few hours out of it to run gpupi x265 and possibly gb3 I would be happy.
  3. I have tried the slot with 10 known good sticks and two different cpus and nothing. So I think it is dead. It was a free mobo so I am not too concerned but it is a shame.
  4. If anyone knows how to fix this ram issue I am all ears.
  5. @Basofia the unit was built by NOL and is r1150 second stage 2k super heat. -103 idle -95 load
  6. @TAGG CPU temps were about +22 under wprime 32m I was using hy510 tim (the worst stuff I have ever used but it was free and the only stuff I had on hand) I just did a quick 2 min test and my number three chip did about 100mhz higher at the same temp and voltage but I am limited my temp and voltage. First time taking 775 sub zero so I think with practice I can get 10-20 more mhz at this temp and voltage.
  7. @noxinite thank you for your help in binning the chips. Once I get my plasti dip and kpx in the mail I am going to do a real session with the rex and by second best chip. I am almost sure it will do 5+ ghz because it can do 3.74 at 1.42 volts in prime 95
  8. @FUGGER I already have the 3 ½ hp compressor so I think I am going to try and do a build with that in the coming months. I am trying to work out a way to get a condenser that is strong enough cheaply. I have some ideas to deal with it but they are all terrible.
  9. @Splave I already have all the parts and I would only have to run the vacuum pump if the pressure got above the desired level, as for the psu I could put it outside of the vacuum chamber.
  10. Ask around on the forum to see if anyone is local and interested in benching with you they might be willing to help you out.
  11. Ease of portability is the main concern, I am thinking of diching one of the two 15k btu ac'a from my chiller and removing the TECs so I can build it into a wooden box with handles. I am getting a cascade this weekend so for lower temperatures we can use that.
  12. How well would this work for fighting condensation for long cascade bench sessions. I know it wont remove all condensation but I have seen people do things like this before and am wondering if it works well.
  13. @FUGGER what would you be interested in trading? I have an e2180 that on air can hit 505 fsb on air at 1.65pll and 3.8ghz ay 1.42vcore it is a good chip one of the best two from 250+ binned but it probably isn't worth a lot of money. I got the compressor for free from work and it is heavy, really heavy so I am hesitent about using it unless it would work better than a smaller one.
  14. 1k is definitely out of my price range for a ss, thank you for the offer though. On another note I was told you were the person to ask about building my own single stage, would this compressor cs20k6e-pfv 236 be good for a build?
  15. I just sent him a message and said if he is willing to ship it I might be interested but I do not think he will.
  16. I think I am going to pass on that one, it is a 20 hour drive each way which means a two day trip at best but probably three. That is three days I am out of work plus money for gas and the unit (which might be a lemon).
  17. @mysticial Thank you for being a positive part of the bot!
  18. I might have missed something but having just run gb in benchmate and standalone there doesn't seem to be an issue with score accuracy. The likely hood of Benchmate deleting files is not high and the likelihood of it being blamed on you is even lower since gb code is not being modified. I also don't think that people using benchmate are concerned about the stability or integrity of their os I am pretty sure most of them have an nlited or an accronis image for their benching os.
  19. You are shooting yourself in the foot. You don't have to like bemchmate but if it is where benchmarks are heading then Geekbench might no longer have enough support to continue development. I wish something could have been worked out because I don't think you are being malicious and I think it is only going to end up hurting you in the long run.
  20. Last bump before I sell it for scrap. Open to offers.
  21. Drop to 80+ shipping
  22. From a quick search it looks like 3.5 hp might be a little high but if it would work that would be amazing.
  23. I am not sure I have never done it but I have read of others doing it.
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