Everything bundled for 125$+ shipping.
1: DFI NF4 fully working has vaseline on it for insulation but it can be removed if needed.
2: Abit an7 fully working no insulation on it
3: APEX ix fully working and I have a heatsink for it from a dead board that will be included for free, no bent pins.
4: APEX ix fully working, has a few bent pins but it still retains all functionality though it could use a good cleaning in the socket with electronics cleaner.
5. BH5 will bundle it with the nf4 or an7, it can do 250+ but never got around to using it much.
1. 100$
2. 75$
3. 100$ Sold
4. 80$ Sold
All prices are without shipping. Open to offers everything needs to go as I am limited on space.
The pictures uploaded in the wrong order but I think it is fairly clear what is what. If you have any questions I can clarify.