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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. This. Also going forwards there are free IDS systems that are fairly easy to set up.
  2. You can't use 3.3.3 it is a different benchmark.
  3. Already sold sorry.
  4. Adding a few things to the price check. x299 OCF without vrm heatsink fully working s939 DFI ultra d. I think it is a blown mosfet from going through it with a multimeter quickly. hd 6990 with Accelero Twin cooler - it does not display an image but it shows up in device manager, no further testing done. Assume it is dead
  5. @suzuki I am not trying to put cascade into the same league, it is irrelevant to me due to also using ln2. I was simply unsure of what league it was considered because it did not fit into either description very well.
  6. @suzuki what's wrong with my cascade? I don't think cascades are very relevant on modern 2d if you want to be competitive in the extreme league for globals due to almost all of the current gen cpus being able to run fullpot or have an extremely high heat load that will drow most cascades. I have been doing testing on my 1920x and ln 2 gained me about 400+ mhz over cascade. All that being said I think cascades do have their place and are amazing pieces of exipment that let people like me who don't have the money or easy access to ln2 to be able to bech for hours.
  7. @Splave It won't boot into windows. I don't have the funds to get a new 7350k for it and I have a 7740x for quad core so no real use for the board. Just a note it was a free board and it is in rough shape. No heat sinks a wire that is hanging loose (looks like it was from coffee lake mod). I will practically give it to you for the price of shipping if you think you can make use of it.
  8. Dead apex ix Fully working apex ix Wonky z170m ocf 5+ghz 2180 7350k with one channel not working
  9. @Leeghoofd so this is an odd one, if you used a cascade to cool a heat exchange for chilled water that would run -30 ish fluid temp would that still be considered chilled water?
  10. @TerraRaptor I think my number one chip should do it easy it, if this one could go higher on fsb it could have reached 5+ this was done at 1.85 volts so it still has headroom.
  11. @Jumper118 I am limited by fsb on most of my chips but I am only running 2.2 pll so if I go higher I can probably get some more out of them but my best chip can do 520+ fsb on air with 1.95 pll so when I get my kpx shipment I am going to try that one and hopefully get 5+ghz
  12. @suzuki I think that for modern platforms cascade is not as relevant as it was previously but for some older platforms it is almost on par with ln2. As for cost I got my cascade for less than a strong single stage. Though I do see why it isn't in the apprentice league.
  13. @suzuki that is amazing the coldest I have seen on here is a three stage that got down to - 150c idle. Do you know of any subs that use a cascade similar to THA?
  14. Is cascade cooling considered extreme league or apprentice? In the description of the extreme league "ready to battle each other with retail hardware and liquid nitrogen" where as Apprentice says "starting out with chilled water up to dry ice". Cascade is between dry ice and ln2 but in my opinion is a lot closer to dry ice.
  15. I tried with a known good drive and cable and an m.2 drive that works on other systems.
  16. @Leeghoofd I tried two versions of windows 10 and all the banks of sata ports.
  17. @Leeghoofd it goes to automatic repair for about a half second then restarts, it is a fresh install and I have tried to do a fresh install but the same thing happens.
  18. I recently got a z170 oc formula as scrap and it boots into bios and works fine but when I try to boot into an os it reboots. I have tried two cpus and two kits of ram, reflashing the bios, downclocking the chip, running single channel. I am waiting for my electronics cleaner to arrive but if that doesn't work then I am out of ideas on what may be wrong. If anyone has encountered this problem before let me know if you were able to fix it.
  19. Can be closed, found cpus for them and have repaired three of them and the other two are beyond realistic repair for the value to the board. If anyone is interested in just paying the shipping cost for one of them pm me. US only.
  20. I also have a dead rex and need to replace the cap on the back of the board. So from my understanding the five bumps on either side are positive and the rest is ground? Is it better to just bypass the cap altogether or should I add some with wires?
  21. ah okay thanks for the help!
  22. When ever I try to upload my cvf files to the validator I get this "Corrupted or missing CVF (Code: 5) " It isn't a problem with stability I could run wprime at 4.9 but can not validate at 4.5 so I am not sure what is going on. Hardware used MOBO: re CPU: 2180 cooling: cascade Edit just tried on my laptop and it also does not work and it is bone stock.
  23. Bump.
  24. I can't really do anything else with this mobo without the second ram slot and I will only ever use it with the 7350k so I am willing to try crazy things with it.
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