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Everything posted by Jimba

  1. awesome mods (sombie titan/ 7970 matrix VRM combo) and fantastic score! well done andre and shammy!
  2. it doesnt work for me either, I cant open it at all. using CS5 as well.
  3. great work! and nice mod! is the that the VRM from a 580 Matrix?
  4. woo hoo..
  5. Jimba

    Hardware pr0nz

    Sof, I envy you..
  6. nicely done! Great score and some really nice sticks..
  7. Keep at it bro, YOU CAN DOO ITTT..
  8. This looks sick! I await funny drunk pictures..and new records... Ze Germans know how to party right?
  9. will there be a livestream for us who cant go?
  10. This ones for ney: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3td7am/
  11. Der8auer fat GPU pot? you lucky boy..
  12. nicely done kenny!
  13. it would be great to meet you and do a interview. I flick you a PM!
  14. Think of it this way - Would you be more interested in what some guy does on air cooling or what a group of people who have skills and experience do when given the latest hardware do on LN2? Guys like Dinos22,Rubass,Fester,phill and even the legendary Hipro5 and Kingpin make this place what it is. Without the old guard you cant have the new guys..right? It is with these guys and there knowledge that makes this place what is it is IMO. Also how many of the 2000+ people on hwbot are actually contribute and do results? about 1/3 maybe? (I pulled that figure from my arse as i dont know the correct figure)
  15. It does.. Thanks George! you know my fondness of European chicks.
  16. I joined OC because I wanted to learn something, and I have. Alot actually. To me OC shouldnt be about boints or WR (as good as they are) but about the community (I bold this point if I could) and the enjoyment of the bench!. I have wanted to step up to XOC for along time since I started doing OC after been inspired by alot of the top guys. But this change im thinking. It sounds like great fun but how do I do it? some people have family and jobs to worry about, I have uni studies so then question comes in. You want new people.then teach new people! (this is just my 2 cents,if kinda off topic then please say so)
  17. needs more booth babes pics.. EDIT: thanks SOF..
  18. great score,considering the issue with the board! Well Done!
  19. Great Result! Looks like you guys had some great fun..
  20. crazy score, but expected from the master..
  21. Hey all. Looking for the gigabyte X58A-OC motherboard, would prefer local if possible to save on shipping. Would prefer no/little LN2 use and must come with box and extras. Also looking for MSI lightning GPU's from 260GTX-580XE and 5870-7970(only if price is good) thanks EDIT: Update: Have found: 275 5870 still looking for X58A-OC, 260, 260BE or 480 Lighting.
  22. I knew about computers when i was about late primary school (10-11_ but didnt really get into it about 3 years later. I wouldnt say it is dying just as things become faster people dont have the "need" to OC but the fun (for me) is still there. Im still young so allot of stuff to learn im sure. plus the one thing i enjoy about overclocking isnt the benching of hardware (that is fun though) but rather the community and friendships formed through this common interest. Ive learnt so much about more then just computers,like culture and languages and a whole heap of other stuff through people I have met and spoken to online and I believe as the community gets stronger and with things such as Skype and local country events (more in Aus would be nice) I believe it will. So yeah It isnt dead at all just evolving as people have said.
  23. woah, nice collection! my collection is just a 9600GT,8800 Ultra and 4870X2..im slowly getting there.. I blame hwbot for making me a addict..
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