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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. I am not sure if i remember correctly at the moment ... but we had some special cpu-z version for old systems. Anybody tried with that ?
  2. Start up date We need the official wallpaper ... and a better description about limitations (regarding cpu's to be used). -//- EDIT -//- Reminder from the preparation thread
  3. Please let me know , if we have any news about this matter. Thank you
  4. Someone please have a look. http://hwbot.org/user/looproll/ This member kept loosing points everyday and noticed it was not only points actually. Lost almost all points (except the very new results). His hardware library is empty. http://hwbot.org/user/looproll#Hardware_Library But his wall is still full of results http://hwbot.org/user/looproll#mywall
  5. Gregor Those two 9800SE categories are correct. 9800SE's exist in both 256bit and 128bit versions. The problem here is that "liqmet" thinks that only 128bit are 9800SE and is reporting all other results. I agree with you on the general identification problem with ATI/AMD cards.
  6. User liqmet ... again. This time , reporting 10 year old results ... again. Reporting ATI 9800 SE results , for not beeing 9800 SE. The reason (for him) is because the are 256bit. Somebody with much more brains than liqmet , created 2 seperated categories for ATI 9800 SE , in hwbot database. 1)ATI 9800 SE 2)ATI 9800 SE 128bit Anybody have a wild guess why ???
  7. You did a great job here Michael. Sad to see you leave from hwbot duty. I dont know why ? But i am sure you have a solid reason for this.
  8. http://hwbot.org/competition/osibs_season4/
  9. Hi Max ... happy new year !!! No need to edit any kind of description in that stage. That stage is exactly what you read. It's a 0.35 cpu "battle" between Intel Pentium MMX vs AMD K6 (model 6) That simple. I tried to produce a fair (as possible) stage-comparison between the two manufacturers. Both same year Both 0.35 Both MMX capable Both with the same max cpu speed (233) If i wanted to include earlier Intel cpu gen , i would have done so. Get ready Max and tune your hardware.
  10. Happy new year to all Sorry to inform you , that this thread is no longer open for proposals. This competition and all stages included , is final. The only thing to wait for ... is the starting date
  11. Hi everybody. This is a 2018 reminder about OSiBS season 4 Prepare yourselves FINAL PLAN
  12. TASOS

    Happy new year

    Happy New Year , everybody !!! May 2018 be a better year for all. My best wishes for health and happiness.
  13. Merry Christmas to all
  14. I cant edit the score. (probably cause of the Cup). A mod must take a look at it.
  15. All HD8950 bioses at TPU , are not verified. That's why i prefer to get it from you. An other thing , is that , your exact bios version is not uploaded to TPU. What brand is your card ? I didnt understand , why you mentioned about stickers ... Anyway. Please share that bios when you have some free time. Thanks
  16. I suggest a split-thread for GRIFF's modification. From post 101 It deserves it's own thread.
  17. What's wrong with the forum lately ? Have you disabled most of it's features ? Thanks are gone Smiles dont work Editor bar and buttons also Notifications and post quotes are off Dont know what else ...
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