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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. Start up date


    We need the official wallpaper


    ... and a better description about limitations (regarding cpu's to be used).







    Reminder from the preparation thread


    ROUND 1 - Socket 7 (1997)

    Mixed with Intel & AMD cpu's

    (All cpu's must be 0.35 micron fabrication).


    Desktop cpu's only.


    Intel P5 architecture (Pentium MMX series)

    AMD K6 architecture (Desktop K6 series)



    CPU-Z Validation - Max CPU speed



    SuperPI 1M



    CPU-Z Validation - Percentage OC %

  2. Those categories are old...

    And I guess they were created because of the problem Ati/AMD has for years: They simply dont give a f***, how their cards gets identified. Thus those categories where created because GPU-Z said it.

    Those old categories need a cleanup, need to find time for that. :)




    Those two 9800SE categories are correct.

    9800SE's exist in both 256bit and 128bit versions.


    The problem here is that "liqmet" thinks that only 128bit are 9800SE and is reporting all other results.


    I agree with you on the general identification problem with ATI/AMD cards.

  3. User liqmet ... again.


    This time , reporting 10 year old results ... again.


    Reporting ATI 9800 SE results , for not beeing 9800 SE.

    The reason (for him) is because the are 256bit.


    Somebody with much more brains than liqmet , created 2 seperated categories for ATI 9800 SE , in hwbot database.


    1)ATI 9800 SE

    2)ATI 9800 SE 128bit


    Anybody have a wild guess why ???


  4. General Question:

    Question about description of the 1-st stage. "Round 1 of the Old School is Best School contest is all about the classic Socket 7 which harks back to 1997. This means benching with Intel P5 Pentium MMX and AMD K6 architecture processors. All CPUs however must be manufactured using the 0.35 micron fabrication process."

    As i rigth understand, for P5 Microarchitecture fits processors Pentium NON MMX and with MMX on tech process 0.35 mc. Need to fix description "with Intel P5 Pentium MMX and" -> "with any Intel P5 Pentium and" to prevent misunderstanding.


    Hi Max ... happy new year !!!


    No need to edit any kind of description in that stage.


    That stage is exactly what you read.

    It's a 0.35 cpu "battle" between Intel Pentium MMX vs AMD K6 (model 6)

    That simple.


    I tried to produce a fair (as possible) stage-comparison between the two manufacturers.

    Both same year

    Both 0.35

    Both MMX capable

    Both with the same max cpu speed (233)


    If i wanted to include earlier Intel cpu gen , i would have done so.


    Get ready Max and tune your hardware.

  5. Hi everybody.

    This is a 2018 reminder about OSiBS season 4


    Prepare yourselves








    ROUND 1 - Socket 7 (1997)

    Mixed with Intel & AMD cpu's

    (All cpu's must be 0.35 micron fabrication).


    Desktop cpu's only.


    Intel P5 architecture (Pentium MMX series)

    AMD K6 architecture (Desktop K6 series)



    CPU-Z Validation - Max CPU speed



    SuperPI 1M



    CPU-Z Validation - Percentage OC %






    ROUND 2 - Socket 370 (1998)

    (Mendocino cores only)

    (Non Intel chipset motherboards)

    (No server hardware allowed-only desktop products)



    CPU-Z Validation - Max CPU speed



    SuperPI 1M



    Wprime 32M






    ROUND 3 - Slot A (1999)

    (Argon & Pluto core only)



    CPU-Z Reference Clock



    SuperPI 1M



    3DMark 2001 - GeForce 256






    ROUND 4 - Socket 423 (2000)

    (No adapters allowed)



    SuperPI 1M



    Wprime 32M



    Aida64 Memory Read



    3DMark 2001 - GeForce3 series






    ROUND 5 - Socket 754 (2003)

    (No adapters allowed)



    SuperPI 1M



    HWBOT X265 1080P



    3DMark2003 - Nvidia series (Up to 6xxx series - single vga - single gpu only)



    FM Cloudgate - ATI AGP series



  6. It should be on the TPU bios archive. I don't think it's any different than the bios that came on my HD 8950. In case it's relevant I'll be sure to post a picture of the model# sticker on my HD 8950 when I sub my dice scores.


    All HD8950 bioses at TPU , are not verified.

    That's why i prefer to get it from you.


    An other thing , is that , your exact bios version is not uploaded to TPU.

    What brand is your card ?


    I didnt understand , why you mentioned about stickers ...



    Please share that bios when you have some free time.


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