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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. Too many things to change-improve ...

    But i would be happy if finally , someone could fix the thread problem in forum , where you cant see at a glance , the result being discussed or questioned or whatever.

    Tired of searching ... and it's been too long like this.

    Although it's supposed to have had a high priority on the fix-list.

    No excuses anymore ... just implement a forum fix.

    @richba5tard @Leeghoofd

  2. On 9/4/2018 at 1:58 AM, GRIFF said:

    Strange, I thought Hellas)))))) 

    I think the only way to solve this tension is to send my Athlon 800 to you. Are you well? Attempt for shipping adress.


    On 9/5/2018 at 11:28 PM, GRIFF said:


    Accept my proposal?

    Sorry for the late reply , but real-life comes first.


    Now ...

    You were asked at the time of that specific stage , to provide some solid proof about your results , that were questioned by me.

    You failed to provide the total amount of info i asked you.

    At first you couldnt find the plastic cartridge of your cpu , which had to match the S/N of the cpu sticker.

    You never verified your air-cooled results.

    You double edited your results (at first you presented an Athlon 850 ... the it became an Athlon 800 ... and then whatever suited you)

    Your Orion core cpu's by pure accident was damaged and no longer available.

    You never showed the actual core of the cpu when providing video's afterwards.

    You were proposed to send your cpu for result verification , to other respected community members ... and you REFUSED.

    You wrote that "who ever wants to verify results , could come to your place only"


    Now you appear months afterwards , to propose what exactly ???

    Did you find a way to remove your pcb sticker without leaving marks ??? ... or your sticker is altered from humidity ???

    I could have easily accepted that i was wrong if you had decited to do some very simple things.


    You are no good to me anymore ... so does your proof methods.


    You are lucky , that hwbot is going through a difficult phase at the moment and doesnt have enough human recourses.


    Feel free to think you are the best.

    Congrats !!!


    I can sleep at night with a clear conscious.

    End of story.



  3. On 9/11/2018 at 12:24 PM, Strunkenbold said:

    A rule of this years old school competition was to show the CPU with the used motherboard because there are lot of CPU pictures in the internet. So those pictures become a little bit more unique.

    Slot A CPUs also have a sticker on the backside of the PCB. Even though I currently dont remember if its about the core or the model name or both.

    Slot-A cpu's are a bit more complicated (regarding picture verification).

    Yes , they have a sticker at the backside of their pcb , which contains useful info in the form of a serial number (which can be decoded).

    That S/N must be the exact same printed on top of their plastic cartridge.

    But at the same time , there has to be a core picture also (from the front side of the pcb) to verify the exact core used by AMD (cause AMD did some "magic" back then).


    That procedure can not be asked from a regular user.

    Only experienced members with cpu's cracked open can provide all these verification info.


    That's why i had to question some of GRIFF's results in this year OSIBS.

    Too good cpu results , with not all verification elements available (when asked).

    Meaning , that he provided some of the verification pictures mentioned above , but never the front side of the cpu (at the same time).



    Now regarding the general idea of this conversation.

    We can all agree that each one of us can help the moderating team , by simply adding extra info (when needed) either by adding extra photo's and proof or by writing down info at the text area.

    We must do our best to keep the rules at all time.

    It'a a matter of goodwill.


    ... and Gregor , dont leave your post.

    We need you here !!!



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. Hwbot crew must validate the results in question along with the other results.

    In general they have to moderate all results.

    I dont now how they will handle "unchecked" results instead of "validated" , when cpuid validation links were involved.


    Final check must be made is total sums (system calculations are ok ?)


    After that , this year OSIBS must be awarded to the most consistent and loyal team , which has members with honesty and pure o/c spirit.

    ... and that team must be Warp9 , if i'm not mistaken.



    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, unityofsaints said:

    I imagine the idea behind this stage is to differentiate it from OSiBS. I really don't think it's too hard for a global team to find these chips in time.


    I dont want to get into any details at the moment.

    But believe me , there's a certain kind of difficulty in this (754) stage , otherwise i wouldnt insist.

  6. 3 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    I checked ebay.de and can find multiple 3000-3200 and 3400 S754 Venice cores costing between 5-20 euros...

    Please re-consider

    Things are not that simple as they seem.

    There are only 4 cpu's in total with venice core , the one is a special case ... and you are asking the teams to have 3 on 3.

    While 3400+ is limited in the current market ... and too expensive for what it offers.


    ... and i'm not sure , you've found a 754 Venice 3400+ on ebay.de

    Plenty of other core types by theway.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Bones said:

    Noted a Venice core is stated for Socket 754 - Would probrably be better if the more commonly found Newcastle or Clawhammer were included too at least. Venice chips for 754 aren't as easy to find as the other two cores.

    Not saying they can't be found, it's more of going with what's easy to find and get for cheap.

    I've looked today and saw only one Venice, all the rest being either Newcastle or Clawhammer chips with a couple of 3300+ Semprons in the mix - Clearly a Sempron just won't cut it for the comp regardless of what core it's based on.

    Of the two additional chips a Newcastle would be the best choice overall if anything else for overall availability and price.

    I agree with Bones

    There are very limited choices of Venice core cpu's on 754 , when asking for 3 different cpu.

    Lets add Newcastle and Clawhammer.

    You could even ask for one result from each core , that way.

    1 Venice - 1 Newcastle - 1 Clawhammer




    • Thanks 2
  8. This Bonus Round is aimed at running dual Mendocino's on Non-Intel chipset motherboards.

    You can use native socket370 boards or Slot-1 boards with adapters.


    The wallpaper to use

    1280x1024 Bonus round

    1920x1200 Bonus round


    Stage-1 (currently closed)

    Wprime 1024M



    Wprime 32M



    Cinebench 2003


  9. Radeon 9250 $5+ship

    8400gs pci $5+ship

    Athlon 64 4200+ $5 each +ship

    2x2gb ddr2 1100 gskill pi $15+ship for set 

    2x2gb mushkin ddr2 $10+ship for kit

    If you can tell me what kind of ram this is ill add it to any order  => 256K Pipeline Burst Cache

    2x 2gb ampx ddr2 $10+ship

    4x 4gb non-ecc ddr2, good for high capacity with am3 chips on am2+ boards $20+ship for lot


  10. On 7/15/2018 at 6:34 PM, Gumanoid said:

    The round began, but there is no Wallpaper. Give us a link please.

    You jump started the thread , making it the official bonus round thread ... and you dont have any answers ?

    Just questions and remarks ?


    Since you decited to open up this thread , why not prepare a basic description in your opening post ?

    What's this bonus round for ?

    Which is the hardware allowed ?

    What are the stages ?

    Wallpaper ... and so on.


    Have a look at the other official round threads of this season.



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