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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. 3 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Well we can't check all cpu-z submissions for valid cpu speed, same with all other regular submissions done per day... With competitions all scores are checked, but not daily submissions. That would be a full time job,. Report if you find irregularities

    I've done that , a while ago


  2. On 3/21/2018 at 6:11 PM, Strunkenbold said:

    I talked with Tasos and he was very kind. Basically he accepted the current approach. Except someone has objections, the current set of rules are considered final. 

    I don't see problems for dual socket motherboard users participating with a single CPU. 

    Also slot adapters can be used, I don't think it means an advantage to anyone.


    2 hours ago, GRIFF said:

    And dual cpu boards with single cpu?



    Let me know , if you (or anybody else) have any other requests.



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  3. In favor of bigger participation , i decided to remove the difficulty factor from this round.

    Which was indeed , trying to run the (Intel unlocked) SMP feature of Celeron PPGA's ... Since it requires above average modding skills , on both hardware and bios level .

    When i saw old members , experienced members , getting the wrong dual boards or assuming they had the right dual boards ...

    I realized that the "art" of running dual ppga celerons was a bit forgotten.

    Buried deep into hardware history.

    Sad , but a reality.



    Easy , plain simple stage , for everybody.


    No dual celerons

    And slot-1 adapter allowed


    Have fun !!!




    34 minutes ago, TAGG said:

    As far as i can remember we had a dual S462 stage last year, so there allways was some server(ish) hardware involved :)

    If dualboards are allowed thet would mean that anyone who want's to have a chance in the wprime stage needs one... If that is the case we have to agree on using them as soon as possible, otherwise there will be complaints from people who spent money on such a board and are not allowed to use it...

    Yes you are correct.


    All teams started with single cpu , until OnisA from XtremeOverdrive OC team Italy , posted a score with dual cpu's

    After that , the teams adjusted their entries.


    17 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:

    Should have left it single processor only as the comp has already started.


    I'm rather irritated now. 2 rounds in and problems with both of them.

    Please bullet proof the rest of the rounds right now before this happens again.


    I havent changed the specs of this round.

    There was no mention about cpu count , from the start.


    15 minutes ago, GRIFF said:

    Im agree with you. Single cpu board for this stage.

    You could have written your opinion in the preparation thread earlier.

    Why now ?



  5. 32 minutes ago, havli said:

    Hmm, so far everything with more than one socket and  ... anything caled Xeon / Opteron / Quadro / Firepro was considered "server". This doesn't apply here?

    I agree with you , on the second part of your phrase.

    On the first part , no.

    Because since the Abit BP6 era , the pc industry created a special product category for home users.

    Dual socket boards where not server-workstation only (not anymore).

    Boards like BP6 , VP6 , A7M266-D .... up to later models such as EVGA SR-2 , were not server products.

    They were dual cpu boards for home users.



  6. 1 hour ago, GRIFF said:

    Dual cpu board is the server board....ok

    Via Apollo Pro266 is not server chipset and single cpu boards must be allowed for me.

    I proposed to make a list of motherboards or chipsets in particular to avoid problems in the future.

    Please  lets stay as close as possible to the Mendocino era !!!

    Meaning , lets stick to SDRAM only.


    19 minutes ago, Strunkenbold said:

    Im not sure Ive got it right, since its the first time I set up a contest but let me know if something need to change.

    Edit: You just want s370?


    Please adjust the competition page , with the available chipset options for VIA , SIS and Ali


  7. 13 hours ago, GRIFF said:

    I propose to make a list of unauthorized motherboards here. I think that those two processors are server / industrial board.


    Please follow the general rule guideline , which is 

    (Mendocino cores only)

    (Non Intel chipset motherboards)

    (No server hardware allowed-only desktop products)  <= General rule for all hwbot competitions , and also specifically for osibs to avoid ServerWorks chipset boards


    What's left ?

    Plenty of boards with VIA Apollo Pro133A

    I hope i helped you.



  8. For this round , the percentage % stage , went wrong , cause of the cpu-z bug , especially on non-Ali chipset boards.

    The good thing , is that Strunkenbold's move , contacting Franck Delattre about it , will provide us a better cpu-z for future use.

    I thank them both (Gregor and Frank).


    As a sidenote , just to laugh a little ... imagine all of us to have picked an other proposal for OSIBS (use of older 486 systems)



    Personally i feel sad about making a bad choice for this stage ... my goal was to have fun and not cause trouble to participants and moderating team also.

    Although i dont think anyone had the intention to cheat in this round.


    I would have expected more of a cpu variety (regarding AMD K6's) in this round , but it seems that most of us played safe with Intel MMX , instead of experimenting with the AMD's.

    Perhaps this round needed some more time ... cause of the general situation of Hwbot , the past weeks.

    Anyway ...


    I  am also sad , because my GA-5AX went bad during testing ... and now i have to try and fix it (if it's possible) or replace it (even harder).

    My other board , a FIC , Via chipset , was constantly reporting 1X multi only (whatever Intel MMX cpu i used) and i chose not to present any scores , cause they looked weird.


    Congrats to all participants ... and see you all in next round !!!

    Have fun !!!


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  9. It's horrible. Make normal wallpaper and not those that are made in Word :( With a cassette tape recorder is much better :)


    I'm with you on this one max !!!


    I did propose for a live wallpaper for this OSIBS ... but they didnt listen.

    Maybe if we can gather some votes , we can still make it happen.


    Oh yeahhhh

    This is it





    ok , ok , i'm joking

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