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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. Never seen 4800SE and 4400 cards with TSOP beforce, always think that's for Ti4200 only.

    Slow memory on 4 Ti disappointing. Good to see 350 on air GPU.


    There where 4800SE's (cheap versions) alternative of Ti 4400 , built in AGP8X mode.


    They had short pcb's and tsop memory.


    Stelaras used this MSI model ,




    but there were others too ...







  2. No, resuts are not comparable, different pictures and movie end up in different result, at same system and OS my 2.43 hwbot edition scores at least 50% more points than 2.42.


    P.S. Is there any reason you did not test yourself?^^


    I did , test by myself.


    I just wanted to point this out.

    Are we going to let this as is ... or are we going to have somekind of limitation in new submissions ?


    The new , air-cooled results are over LN2's

  3. Yes. Ruined good season :(

    At first I thought - it was the most thought-out season.




    PS I have CT-479, so that business not in it, if you think



    I just noticed (havent seen it earlier) , there is a pure 478 stage in an other ongoing competition.


    So , you can still have fun , with your 478 hardware.


    Have a look here


  4. The point is not that a problem to find. The fact that ruined a good picture of the season.

    All stages - benching processor and graphics card. And here suddenly - benching adapter:eek:.

    Well, ok, since all are not against, then I'm wrong.


    To be honest , i kind of agree with you.

    (i dont agree with the "ruined" word).


    It would have been more proper ? (i dont know if this is the correct word)

    To have a clear stage for the socket 478 cpu's.


    ... and have an other stage for the 479's


    Mixing those two to compete against ... is a no go.



  5. They've let him pour LN2 or is the master back in game? :)


    Anyway, nice to see a legend at work.


    Showing the lads the proper way to pour LN2



    Look at the angle on his wrist ... together with the smile !!!





    Get ready

    Rumors say he's coming back this summer.

  6. This is no good, the result was already reported before you saw the wrong screen, and request comes after the competition is already over. The rules are clear that submissions on competitions can´t be edited anymore and further proof is not allowed, we only make excepetions at technical errors or bugs caused by database sometimes. I hate to say this, but the submission will have to be removed from the comp, you or staff can edit it but only for normal submission or ranking then - sorry, this is an essntial rule :(


    P.S. You can make an appeal to christian ney, maybe he approves that the sub counts, but I have no other choice, my friend



    Oh ,ok


    Yes i just saw that macsbeach98 , already reported my score.


    Let's pass it to Christian then , and let him decide about it.

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