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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. On the 15th the competition started, but there's an advantage to the active HWBOT members because we don't do an official announcement.


    The official announcement/email/social stuff follows on 1st of August.


    So , you decited to give ranking and points , to a particular stage , before official announcement ?


    And users await for their full competition review on August 1st ?


    And that's concidered a good-smart idea ?





    Whatever you do, do not look up at Urban Dictionary..... just saying.



    From the link you provided , i assume that i had undesdood - translated correctly the overview text of the team cup.


    "soft launch is the release .... to a limited audience"


    "hard launch is making it generally available or else grand opening"



    What more can i say ?



    Have a nice competition.




    If English is your native language , can you please define "soft launch" ?


    What i can tell you nevertheless is , that ...

    A bad idea will always be a bad idea

    Wrong will always be wrong.



    I would appreciate , if somebody could explain to me , what the following text in the picture means , in plain English.


    Today we soft-launch the Team Cup 2015

    feel free to check out the stages. The competition runs until 30/09 but beware: the stages close at different times and some require immediate attention.

    Full overview and details on 01/08. Let the games begin!



    Looks like i'm asking too much.


    Nobody here has English as native language.

  3. Not any more, but that is the way the stage was designed. I would argue that if a team was created one day before the competition, it might be the ONLY stage it had a chance of winning. The other 29 stages are heavily biased towards large teams, lots of hardware/sponsored teams, and those teams that are able to gather and share LN2 costs, etc. Should we start handicapping teams that have an advantage in some way. Perhaps if a team is based in a small country, perhaps of 132,000 square kilometers, they should get an automatic reduction in points because of how geographically close they are. I mean we are concerned with this new team being created right?


    I honestly, could care less if they give everyone the same points or not, but the overview quite clearly states their was a stage that was time sensitive. If a team missed that clue, followed by the fact that only one stage was open, then why complain about it now? Sour grapes?


    We are not transmitting at the same band.

    Our frequencies are very far apart.


    I have the feeling that you are trying to convince me that the original blackboard is white.


    If English is your native language , can you please define "soft launch" ?


    What i can tell you nevertheless is , that ...

    A bad idea will always be a bad idea

    Wrong will always be wrong.



    I would appreciate , if somebody could explain to me , what the following text in the picture means , in plain English.

  4. Are you boycotting the stage then? Why not get a score up while there are still some good points to be had? I mean its not F1 racing, TechSweden hasn't won it already.


    I'm pretty sure it was intentional so I don't see it getting changed.


    Have you read my previous post ?

    I think i made my self clear enough , about the reasons that are wrong.


    Can you please answer my question below ?


    A new team created today , wants to participate to Team Cup.

    Do they have a chance to fight for 1st place in this stage ?

  5. Because everyone can do it?


    Not because of that.

    Because of it's ranking system.


    1st submission get's the top ranking and all the rest get nothing (i mean less and less points).

    At least that's what i see right now.


    Country cup is not a speedy competition with a narrow time frame.

    All teams must have a reasonable time to prepare and a fair chance to fight for 1st place.


    You cant write , that there is a soft launch at 15/07/2015


    Then wait for full throttle at 01/08/2015.


    The stage ends 15/09/2015


    But the top ranking goes to the 1st submission.


    Come on.


    Where does it say that this is a time frame stage ?



    A verification screenshot is required.

    Please attach a picture of your overclocking rig.

    Only submissions made on or after 2015-07-15 are allowed.

    Official Team Cup 2015 background mandatory (for stages with screenshot verification): download

  6. In such "home-made" systems , you cant really tell , what king of gas was used.


    NL11F is a small compressor , designed for R134A gas but it can tolerate an R404A gas.


    R507 is a bit more brutal gas , and some people chose it , to gain 4-5C lower temps.

    But you need more cooling power down to the heat exchanger.


    If your problem is minor , you can give your phase-change a tiny blind zip of R404 and see if things get better.

  7. All this situation , is overclocking history beeing lost.


    But , we have to accept that person's decision.


    I'm pretty sure that Sam keeps a good file with his results and records.

    So , if he changes his mind ... he will bring them back.


    Now , regarding the top scores beeing lost (for both Karl and sam), you can create a small text area , in each hardware category , with a mention part , such us : sam.ocx not participating at hwbot rankings had a top score of xxxxx


    That'a a thought.

  8. I can't find them on ebay anywhere, only the C10 model. The model I have is C9


    This kind (2400CL9) of memory kit , even though it's used , often have a price tag more than a brand new 2400CL10 kit.


    Furthermore since 2400 CL9-11-11 kit sure is well binned Samsung chips they keep a high price rate.


    Also consider that , you cant find such speed spec anymore.


    I dont know what you paid for it.

    But i personally bought the same ram kit , early 2013 @ 124.00 euro.

  9. It reads to me just as a spelling correction from 660GT to 6600GT, the sli bit would still be as per original.




    Author: SDougal







    Round 4: July 1st - August 31st


    Link: http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/osibs_round4

    Stage 1: 3DMark05, Limitations: AMD AM2 processors and LGA775 processors (excl ?Core?) / GeForce 6600GT

    Stage 2: MaxxMem Read Bandwidth, Limitations: VIA KT133A Chipset only



    This is from the link above.

  10. Guys do not resubmit old scores, keeping an eye on some people atm here.


    I removed about 6 from the contest, all dating before 06-06-2015


    RULE IS Only submissions made on or after 2015-06-06 are allowed.


    Don't mess with this old guy :P



    I even see top ranking members , NOT considering your advice at the moment.


    Not talking abour Novice only , same goes for Challenger series too.



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