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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. When I asked the manager there if they have someone that goes through looking for valuable or retail boards, he just shrugged and said whats the point? They get a pile that big every day. A little sad really. Although I did grab 5 or 6 AGP cards that I saw laying around. Saved them!



    Recycling companies are responsible for the loss of many great boards of the past.


    The actual history of computing getting vanished ?


    Cant blame them though.

  2. Yes, my board is rev 1.1 too, my board is no problems with flashing to F7 bios. Where did you get a FAA beta bios?

    Unfortunately I have not tried to modify the vcore.


    Maybe it's my board , that acts strange.


    I tried multiple times to flash to a newer bios bersion and everytime i did , the board was not booting afterwards.


    I found the latest beta on a webarchive page.


    I can give it to you , if you want it.

  3. @TASOS

    My team has the same problem, with many of the report of the user. I tried to convey to him that the rules should be read. But he never took up the matter.:D


    I suspect , that he is reporting results in general , not showing any kind of favoring ?


    I will be patient , then.


  4. And when I threw you messages?


    It's not about me personally.

    It's about my fellow team members.





    Example of one , of your reported results (and it's not the only one)





    7 year and 10 months ago hipro5: manual online submission

    14 hours ago liqmet: reported by user (proof,delete it)







    Dont report jmke's results ... also

    He was the man , that was verifing the results back then


  5. @liqmet




    Stop reporting results with no obvious reason

    Especially the old and very old results.


    The majority of old results from 2006,2007,2008,2009 ... have been checked by moderators.


    Just an example.

    You cant report such a result for missing photo or non-working links.


    Read the rules and use common sense.


    Use the report button wisely


    Thank you


  6. @Gumanoid


    Since we used the same board (Gigabyte GA-7IXE) , i wanted to ask you a couple of things , in case you happen to know , or you actually faced the same problems.


    1)With a hardware modded Pluto @1.85 & 1.90 volt , the board refused to boot.


    2)Having a rev 1.1 board , i couldnt upgrade to bios F7 official or FAA beta.


    When i flashed to those two bios versions , the board was dead , not booting.

    The only operating bios was the F3 (i need to check-out the F4 beta).


    3)Hardware modded cpu @1.80 volt.

    When reading pll output with a software prog. on my next boot i was having 2.05 volt Vcore !!!

  7. My biggest loss so far.

    A DFI Ultra-B gone dead after using an XPM-2000+ low voltage cpu.

    Booted once , got into bios , load optimized defaults,save & exit =>end of story.



    We have a resurrection :ws:


    Many thanks to my friend Stelaras


  8. No idea what the fuzz is about being 7th or 8th anyway?


    Since not all people think the same way , you must take into consideraion that there is a big part of hwbot users , who see the placing on a chart as a recognition of their effort in total.


    For those users , the difference of beeing 8th instead of 9th ... really means something.


    ... and after all , what's beeing asked here (correcting the final result on the leaderboard) is only fair.


    Not asking for a favor.




    I would like to ask why Greece is in the 9th place instead of the 8th since we beat Ukraine in 3 out of the 5 stages and have the same points?
  9. Q0msRPFm.jpg


    Also have the innovatek oc card, but it does not work on Asus K7V rev 1.03 and older according to the description. Guess what... my board is K7V 1.01. So it does not POST.


    The other problem is anything higher than 101 FSB in bios does not post.

    110MHz with the jumpers works, but that's the maximum one can set.


    Consider yourself lucky enough to own this 1.0Ghz Tbird cpu and forget all the rest.



  10. What's the code issue?


    I'll send an email to our partners to see if anyone's interested in putting up some prizes. Can't promise anything though ... Riva TNT and PCMark04 isn't particularly sexy these days :D


    Something like ... " Hey XXX company , look , your 1998 hardware came 1st , and still kick @ss " ... "Cudos , exceptional build quality" :D


    Still a good piece of advertisement.


    Non related example

    Mercedes-Benz found a specific car-model here in Greece a couple of years ago.It was a taxi with a couple of million ? khm in odo ... and still running.

    They took it back to their museum in Germany.



    or was it an Opel :confused:

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