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Everything posted by jmke

  1. gamer girl clans sometimes reach the finals in esports events, they do so on their own merits and they are respected for that. Getting a "free" pass to such an event sucks for all the male competitors; those interested in the esport, not their epenis. next we'll have OCers crossdressing to get into these events for free. Same as one of my friend disguises as a girl to get into dance clubs for free
  2. define "false results"? use this link to get all the good stuff: http://hwbot.org/forum/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=70,71,72,73,74,75,60,44
  3. "Pi sign sitting in a speeding car" = win
  4. http://www.anandtech.com/show/2910/4 and more
  5. no SLI/CF gives better results; biggest advantage of Lucid is the mixed GPU mode
  6. at best it will grow out to become similar to the gaming league I think.
  7. energy efficient if you are using a CRT monitor. LCD monitors use the same power for all white or all black
  8. write a randomize algorithm that picks one benchmark & CPU/VGA from a pool of hardware based on popularity overtime, recent time, number of results per user, etc that way you can still choose to manually pick stuff, or let the bot decide
  9. that's awesome, FM is one of the few companies around that actually listens to user feedback, even if support for 03/05 only accounts for <10% of activity
  10. ^^ +1 vote for this approach.
  11. you're from Canada, right Chew*? ;p
  12. wait wait... are we building a manual database, posted on a site, where the biggest and baddest automated results database exist? @Massman: get RB to code a quick extra PCMark05 field for XP start & General usage; then you can make nice queries from the dbase
  13. best of both world is to change the vBulletin template and change the "new post" link to exclude the RSS feeds http://hwbot.org/forum/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=70,71,72,73,74,76 that's the link ^^ that way you can see new posts by human, but still browse the RSS feed forums if you're interested that's how I implemented at [M] with good result
  14. when it comes to hardware sharing, it's not exactly cheating. Rather exploiting a loophole in the system. Closing it by removing any chance by teams to gain from sharing any HW component will just cause big teams to split up in 1001 small teams.
  15. demo SS:
  16. in a perfect world it would work like that; however how it now works: company asks site where they are located; redirects them to local PR
  17. has nothing to do with "smart". All to do with ownership and where the site is situated.
  18. the international nature of the site might actually be a limiting factor if the sponsoring company puts the site in the basket of the local marketing budget. HWBot owner -> Belgium -> Benelux budget -> tiny compared to US/UK/DE/TW HWBot has year over year +94% more visitors +125% more pageviews and +11% more new visitors at this rate they'll surpass 2 million page views a month easily next year, which should give some good CPM for banner ads from small and big companies they could also look into hiring an advertising company to do all advertising for them, thereby splitting the operational half (Massman, RB and others) from the monetary half (advertising) making sure one doesn't influence the other.
  19. easy to calculate Massman, extract a list of all members who post scores to this site at least 1 score per week. that is your active membership where potentially you could expect subscription money from; take 30% of that number; multiply by €10/year and you have a number to work with I voted €0 I'm not an active bencher, I post benchmarks for the team score if possible;
  20. interesting find, thanks for sharing, no 480 nearby to verify unfortunately
  21. if that score doesn't earn global points and is not suspicious, it will only end up moderated as being "OK". and not blocked JFYI
  22. if a score is in line with what others have, reporting for reporting's sake will not be accepted with open arms by the mods, and might actually achieve the opposite imho this process should be followed concerning a score: 1) is the score too high for the hardware used? 2) check validation provided 3) report if validation is insufficient if you're going to report all scores without subtests details in the SS, you're jumping straight to #3 , end result might be that the score will be moderated "not suspicious", and can not be reported in the future, http://www.hwbot.org/article/guides/rules
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