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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. 5 hours ago, Noxinite said:

    Wouldn't that involve shifting team points from the inactive members to the active members (where appropriate) to make it representative?

    It's a fair point, that sounds like a lot of coding a server workload troubles that probably wouldn't make it worth it.

    We could just simplify things and simply not include inactive members and keep the points where they are, or alternatively a seasonal ranking for teams seems like a better idea honestly. If activity is the main concern then nothing really shows how active you are better than the seasonal rankings.

    Truth be told there is no perfect system although an active team member leaderboard does make things more interesting.

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  2. As someone who has a USB full of old subs that I never got round to putting up, can I suggest something really simple like a tickbox on the submission which excludes the sub from seasonal rankings? That way it's still fine for the "all time rankings" but doesn't allow anyone to boost their seasonal ranking score with old subs.

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