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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. 15 hours ago, chew* said:

    I'll tell you why I don't.

    1 hwbot should be for end users not manufacturers playground.

    2 I want to bench the hardware and benchmarks I want to bench not what POINTS dictate I have to bench to be "good" or "top 100"

    3 I want a challenge....how long since I submitted a score? still rank 217? that's sad....

    4 they flat out just burned me out. 1 can only do so much

    5 I had to start benching intel even though my specialty and expertise was/is AMD.

    I see there still some raw emotions there but I'd like to chime in on a few points with regards to this and take it as you will.

    1. I believe for the most part it is for end users now, there's no intel enforced XTU anymore and as far as I can see no hardware sponsorships forcing you to bench what you want.

    2. By all means you can if that's what you want to do. The ranking systems and points are only what you make of it. It's a lot harder to get an old 775 first since people have had 12 years of benching those CPUs compared to say a 32Core global first today which you get almost automatically get a first just from participating. I personally don't care much for the points but understand those who do so again this is just what you make of it.

    3. I believe the biggest issue is that systems like Ryzen and Coffeelake are just far too expensive and far too boring to begin to drag people into the XOC scene for them to want to push further. Pure multiplier OC is in itself easier and the game has become more about binning than it is about tweaking and testing, so hence a smaller competitive base.

    4. Yup happens to the best of us, can't argue with that.

    5. Was this due to sponsorship reasons on purely just to keep up with the leaderboards? I personally feel that if it's just for the points then that also would have caused your issue in point 4 since it becomes more of a chore than simply something you're doing for fun.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    K i'll open up again , but the first that nags about why is this card being allowed is getting a ban :D  you need only 4 dual GPU cards, 590, 690, 6990, 7990 also can run it right? Issue is that most look for the best performant setup, usually its more about getting the scores done , than have 2 high scores and 2 missing subs. It's Country Cup right?

    Urgh mah gurd Alby, why we letting in these GPUs.....

    Jokes jokes, but I do agree it's probably for the best :D

    • Haha 1
  3. @Leeghoofd I'm going to be shooting myself in the foot here, but on the Deneb stage, as it stands the Phenom II X4 800's are currently listed as Deneb on the HWBot database when in reality they're actually Propus cores. Can I suggest removing them from the stage if possible. I don't think anyone has submitted with one yet but that's the only 4core Phenom CPU I currently own which is why I went to double check on here.

    is it @Strunkenbold who is currently maintaining the database? I'm not sure.

    Edit : Sorry to clarify, they are Deneb cores, but they're nerfed down with the L3 disabled which technically makes them a propus core. I suppose it's the same rule that applies to not allowing unlocked Athlon II X4's? Sorry to open a can of worms and complicate things.

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