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Everything posted by Schmuckley

  1. I'm guessing there were some pin shortings? More info would be appreciated. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.
  2. 2.36v or you're not running them "right" They all die, too I have like..a dozen ddr2 sticks that died
  3. Not Bad! I'd be happy to get a 5820k to do the same.. Will not be holding breath on it happening
  4. Dat freq! PS: http://www.catalogclearance.com/App_Themes/catalogclearance/itm_img/sandbags.jpg
  5. :nana: Where's that vote button for d-bag? I'm still not happy about learning all the tweaks and buying an Areca + SSDS for pcm05 and getting globals yanked. I'll get over it.However my motivation to bench after knowing that the rug could get pulled out from under me @ any time..went down considerably. O Wow,Geekbench now gets boints,but you gotta pay to play.
  6. ok bossman Not my OS i take it er..I hope,anyway
  7. Dj hard to beat.I like seeing this right under GTX 980 score
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