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Everything posted by Turrican

  1. only the last 2 tests take use of the graphics card. hmm, i think a k6-x cpu is to weak to take an advantage of a stronger card than your geforce 2 mx.
  2. hmm, for me it works?
  3. hi the hardware adding function in rev4 is broken atm, so it will take a while to get it added.
  4. i think you are asking why you "lost" some points? in the faq is an explanation for the rev4 point system. http://hwbot.org/article/faq
  5. thx for the report, i put it on the "to fix" list.
  6. it's already on the bug-fix list. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=116610&postcount=51
  7. ah ok. i had that as well when i used ie.
  8. hmm yeah, i think the search function needs a bit fine tuning in rev 4.
  9. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=116437&postcount=714
  10. hmm, i think a team moderator can do that somewhere, but i don't know where in rev4 you can do that.
  11. sorry i can't add boards atm, the function is broken in rev4.
  12. the right category seem to be this one. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/gma_x4500hd_g45/
  13. there was a revision change to version 4 yesterday.
  14. it should work automatically now. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=116377&postcount=10
  15. i think there were never wr points for 2d. they were only given for 3d.
  16. the memory fileds are broken. when you try submitting a result, it doesn't recognize any ratings like pc3200, pc6400 or pc12800 so it's also impossible to submit any "memory clock" benchmarks as it keeps saying i need the right memory to select.
  17. atm there are still quite a few bugs to be ironed out in rev4, so we'll take care of it later.
  18. here is the answer. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=116437&postcount=714
  19. no, it's 2048.
  20. will there be a "personal page" where you can see which rankings changed (got points\lost points), again?
  21. added http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/core_i3_390m
  22. for 3dmark00 try "win98 compatibily mode". for pcmark04 after the run click on "details" to see which test failed.
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