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Goku is Gei

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Everything posted by Goku is Gei

  1. Wondering how fast would it be on cinebench r23 at 7ghz
  2. Ryzen 3 7320U https://www.amd.com/en/products/apu/amd-ryzen-3-7320u Radeon 610m https://www.notebookcheck.net/Radeon-610M_9842_11423.247598.0.html Tesla T4 https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/tesla-t4/ Celeron 7505 https://www.intel.ca/content/www/ca/en/products/sku/208667/intel-pentium-gold-7505-processor-4m-cache-up-to-3-50-ghz-with-ipu/specifications.html
  3. Anyways I saw that the average rank thingy had been resolved, at least from what I saw. Thank you so much.
  4. This is what happened when I went to https://uat.hwbot.org/
  5. but can it handle rtx 4090 without bottleneck? Anyways awesome job!
  6. 13th gen is scary, it even beats the Ryzen 7 7700x at same clock
  7. I saw that ddr3 sub had finally appeared, thank you
  8. Wondering why his sub dosen't appear on average: https://hwbot.org/submission/5114714_ His ddr3 subs clearly faster than mine
  9. Wondering why it dosen't appears on the average, it's currently the only ddr3 memory frequency sub in Canada https://hwbot.org/submission/5113624_
  10. You need to have cpu-z tab for cpu, memory, motherboard (version 2.03+), gpu-z tab for gpu, 3dmark benchmark result and the official 2022 CC wallpaper in the single screenshot. Also don't maximize the 3dmark benchmark result window because you'll need to show the wallpaper as well
  11. Finally! The time had come! I've waited for this moment for 8 years! Anyways can it run minecraft with 1 billion tnt explosion
  12. MediaTek Helio P22 Nvm I just realised that it had been already added but there's no delete button for my reply
  13. it's gaming performance: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptvNg66_nuXcmG9a0w367xR__tKo65vq
  14. it's gaming performance: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptvNg66_nuUu2zSGlrRnKsZ_-rNhZAwh
  15. it's gaming performance: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptvNg66_nuUu2zSGlrRnKsZ_-rNhZAwh
  16. is this the current fastest modded laptop gpu for now
  17. With such insane gpu market pricing, I'm concern that this might be the last Cheapaz cup ever....
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