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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. Thanks, much appreciated. It seems that I'd have to go through whatever leftovers I can get online, I checked a few kits for volts and found two capable of 2760 8-13-8 but at around 2.05 air, funny thing is I always thought PSC hard walls at 1.96 on air. That's still far from 1.92
  2. Dude, I admire your perseverance, I gave up after 3 sessions, but this result is strong, well done!
  3. Have you tried those sticks on air? What's the scaling when going from air to LN2 @2.1-ish volts? Curious to see what comes next, but 9 secs will fall sooner or later :D
  4. good for you, I couldn't get my FlareX's to run above 3733 on M9A, although I used to run them 4000 12-12 a while back :) there's so much knowledge to bring back with this
  5. Thanks, just fiddling around trying to set up a baseline :)
  6. I agree, that should be 6.5-6.6 on LN2, keep pushing!
  7. This is underrated af, I saw that live today and it's absolutely stunning, the amount of work needed to get this all together is amazing. Great job!
  8. OCF can't change edram ratio, afaik Asrock neglected this option in their BIOS. 5775c and ln2 psc on m7i ftw
  9. Great run, I'm loving how you pushed memory on your Aqua, mine fails above 3700 or I need some extra testing.
  10. Good result, these locked 1700 chips are so badly scaling with cold.
  11. Thanks mate, it was a fun session
  12. Man, you have balls of steel delidding those bastards, I'm not tempted anymore after trying it on 13600kf
  13. How on earth did you manage to keep it so cold with 1.44-ish vcore? :) mine catches 100 degrees at 1.42 vcore and LF2 360 or EKWB Phoenix 280, which is insane as it reports TDP at 140 W level.
  14. good idea, you never know what happens if a new source of Broadwells becomes active nearby... :)
  15. 56 degrees on phase?! that's crazy :) strong mems/IMC, congrats!
  16. You got stronger chip :) what vcore are you at?
  17. thanks, it didn't shine with 6/12, I think there's something wrong with TIM or IHS, at 1.3v it's too hot even on water. I could barely do some multithreaded tests at 5.2@1.3
  18. You didn't have backup, just rebenched it :) good push, mate!
  19. Winter Madness :) good push, rebench today at -15? :)
  20. report this, what a sloppy screenshot
  21. Come on, again 8c+e-cores in 4c/4t category? I know you can do better than this! :)
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