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Everything posted by Farjam

  1. Wish you luck in your new way mate, also hope you get well soon having you[also Michael and Dhenz ] as good and supportive friends of mine is the most important thing that i found in hwbot
  2. Strong WR ! Next time go for morrrre
  3. nice mems... Crazy chip... Crazy everything
  4. Tnx Hideo-San for your comment, Thank you "Game Theory", a surprise will come soon
  5. Thank you, for the first time in this recent months i didn't kill any hardware
  6. mine shows funny Mhz http://www.8pic.ir/images/ojmphdxkbre5q39g3fma.jpg
  7. like this chip : http://www.8pic.ir/images/idb8yopxqy1f0zak4f1l.jpg Vccin 2.09v it hates higher Vcore and Vccin LoL L421B995
  8. i think NFSZOCKER has one
  9. against 4770Ks no chance but good as a devil's canyon chip, my best 4790k is 6300 3d05 in xp so far [but with lots of CB issues, so it's not reliable ]
  10. Yeah i agree with your comment, you know the correct way of showing bugged score as me and lots of guys here know, but i think maybe there are a few guys who dont know what to do when they get a bugged score, how and where to show it , in this cases[obvious bugs] mods should delete the score quickly and remind the user about this rule and correct way to show a bugged score before the user went offline before finding out about this rule lol just sayin
  11. He's not claiming this score is correct, i think he just wanted to show the bug, but XTU is the new UCbench?
  12. hi guys Is there any special bios for gtx275 Lightning? i mean for cb and coldslow [and what is their Cb normaly?]
  13. This one is very goooooood! nice work
  14. awesome work
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