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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. You are awesome Moritz!!! Thank you!!!!!
  2. Iso flush? Info please...don't know about it. Yep...keep dropping that 1st ddr slot
  3. My Apex IX is kinda dead Anyone who's coming have one? If at all possible, would really appreciate if someone could bring along some ssds for the z270 apex with 7x64, XP, etc. Hoping to have a replacement board in time but not sure I'll have the time to set up all the operating systems tia!!!
  4. Hi folks! Trying to get stuff together for the Party in PA. Anyone have any golden 1150 cpus they'd be willing to sell? Tia!
  5. Yeah...that'd be awesome. Having the party during TC is excellent. Think it's usually announced by now?
  6. Getting close now! At this point am hoping that I've actually got everything tested and ready to go by the time I get there.
  7. Down to 1 month, trying to get the attendee list together. funsoul + 1/+4 steponz + 1 rtsurfer Lochekey hotrod717 aerotracks yosarianilives BeepBeep2 Shadyreaper niobium615 MaddMutt jiccman1965 Wiggles +N jpmboy Would love if more of you can make it. Should be another great time!
  8. Yeah...I'm way behind in getting everything tested and ready to roll (again) but it's all good. Definitely excited to see everyone!
  9. 1 month to go!!! Anyone still need rooms? New poster
  10. funsoul

    COMPUTEX 2018

    Like with leather boots, chaps and a small whip? ?
  11. funsoul

    COMPUTEX 2018

    I wish Maybe someday Have fun everyone!
  12. Hi yosarianilives! This is an ok place but I'd suggest that you also post a wanted ad in the marketplace. If they're coming to the party, that'd be great otherwise they could ship it to you. Hopefully you'll find one so you're ready to roll after the party!
  13. If anyone wants to share a room, please let us know here or shoot me a pm so people can get matched up.
  14. Yeah...it's just a convenience and partying thing. There are quite a few folks who either live nearby or stay at other places.
  15. The kind folks at EVGA have offered support for the party. They'll be sending a few motherboards, vgas and assorted schwag. Big thank you out to hotrod, Jacob and the evga team!
  16. Excellent! Glad you'll be able to swing by again! Want to bench?? I can bring along an extra cpu (and gpu) pot if you wanna...just let me know.
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