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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. @marc0053 Did you get your room rate issue resolved? The problem/issue is that in order to get the $89/night rate, people MUST make the reservations by phone and give them the code. OP updated to reflect this requirement.
  2. It's out of stock atm ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157700 ) but it'd be $200 + 7.5% NJ tax + shipping. Been ages since I shipped a boxed board to EU but iirc...it's something around $35-40 for the slow but cheapest way.
  3. I know steponz and turn n' burn are flying. If there are a few people I could ask the hotel if they'd shuttle folks to the Philly airport for a decent price.
  4. You're very welcome dude. Lemme know.
  5. Let me know. If you still need one, could get one here in the US and ship it over as long as you cover my costs.
  6. You'll very much be missed bassdude
  7. Nice! Everyone so far's been added.
  8. Nice! Good luck talking Trouffman into it (well, after the conversation with the wife that is hehe). What about Johan45? Doesn't he live somewhere near you? Sent you a pm on the room rate. Did you tell them that you're with the Overclockers Party? I just called to try and make a reservation...$89/night base rate (plus taxes, etc...my room came out to something like $194-198 total for 2 nights). Also sent the sales contact an email (it's after hours so won't hear back until tomorrow) and the GM will call me this evening so will get this resolved asap. Awesome you're bringing stuff, hopefully the crossing's smooth. Great point on the 'bringing the dewar' thing, adding to OP. UPDATE: Did you book for more than Friday and Saturday night? If so, Friday and Saturday should be $89/night and the extra nights at whatever the rate is (maybe $119?). If you got charged $119 for fri/sat, just need to call them back or send them an email (or I can call for you). If you have any trouble, ask for the GM (pm me for her info). You sure that 119 rate you got isn't CAD?
  9. The 'code' for the reduced rate rooms is "Overclockers Party". OP updated.
  10. You so funny Mr Albee! If you threw in a few 775 and 1155 goldens would definitely think about it!
  11. Thanks Massman! Got your email, will reply when I get home tonight. Thanks for adding it to the map!
  12. Hi Folks! Getting ready to sell some stuff off but wanted to check here for help figuring out how much this stuff is worth atm. At work so don't have all the parts in front of me but here's what I've got: - Nice 4930k. No cb/cbb. Ran this at 1.695v in bios. Am sure with a little finesse, the next user could get more out of it than I did. http://hwbot.org/submission/3177531 http://hwbot.org/submission/3150085 http://hwbot.org/submission/3166822 - Decent 3930k. Ran this under ss at around 5.2-5.4GHz. Didn't spend much time with this but there's a good chance that it can pass 2d's at 5.3-5.5GHz with a little effort. http://hwbot.org/submission/2537132 http://hwbot.org/submission/2537670 http://hwbot.org/submission/2536701 - Working but un-benched 3930k. Have a couple of these but have never tested them out. - Rampage IV Black #1. Fully working, covered in LET across the back and most of the top, eraser remnants around the cpu area. Have the box, manuals and most accessories. - Rampage IV Black #2. One dead ram slot (53 error), LET top and bottom. Have the box, manuals and some of the accessories. - 2x4 GSkill Tridentx 2666 (Hynix). Good working order. Never really played with or pushed them at all. - 2x4 GSKill Tridentx 2933 (Hynix). Good working order. Never really played with them much. Remaining 2 sticks from a quad set. One heatfin is a bit loose but totally fine. TIA!!! -Stefan
  13. I'll take 2 aluminum sets. If you do decide to do some copper ones, would take 2 sets of those, too. Pm sent
  14. We're on! Received confirmation that Corsair will be covering the cost of the venue and 2,300L of LN2. This is a free event!! Official Sign-up page
  15. Hi Folks! Welcome to the official sign-up page for the Summer 2016 Northeast LN2 get-together and party! Based on the initial polling ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=154838 ), looks like we're getting a really nice crew together! Meet old and new friends, put faces to the nicks, learn from those with more experience (have people to share the misery if you blow something up), bench like crazy and generally have a great time. Everyone from monster benchers to noobs, vendors and just regular folks curious about overclocking are welcome. The primary sponsor for this event is Corsair who has kindly offered to cover the cost of the venue plus 2,300L of LN2! Thanks out to steponz for getting us hooked up and a HUGE thank you to Corsair for their super-kind support! When: July 23, 24 Where: The Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 148 Sheraton Dr., New Cumberland, PA 17070 The Clarion Hotel & Conference Center Harrisburg West tel: 717-774-2721 VENUE/ACCOMODATIONS: We're booked for an 1,800sf room which will be laid out with tables. Although it has the most available power of any of the venues we checked, attendee benching locations will need to be load balanced. Depending on the number of attendees and what everyone's is running, may need to buddy up and bench in shifts or some other scenario. The hotel blocked out a decent number of rooms for us at a rate of $89/night. The code for the reduced room rate is "Overclockers Party". IN ORDER TO GET THE $89/NIGHT RATE, YOU MUST MAKE YOUR RESERVATION BY CALLING THE PHONE NUMBER AND GIVING THE CODE. You cannot get this rate if you book on-line. The reduced rate is valid for Friday and Saturday nights only. If you add a night (or more), those would be at whatever the regular rate is, Friday and Saturday would still be at the $89/night rate. If people know that they'll need extra nights, let me know and will see about getting some rooms blocked for that(those) night(s), too. To help folks save on expenses, please reply to this thread letting us know whether you're willing or want to share a room with someone. There will be full wireless access as well as wired. Do any of you have a switch and maybe a bunch of cables they could bring along? Figure wireless is fine for posting results and general websurfin' but the wired would be great for live streaming. SIGN-UPS: In order to sign-up, please reply to this post and (as best as possible) include the following information: - # of attendees- Bringing anyone with you or coming solo? - Will you need a room? Would you be willing to share a room with another bencher? - Hardware you hope/plan/expect to bring for benching- The more information you can provide before the event will allow for better advanced table assignment planning. - Any equipment you can bring to loan or will need to borrow - direct link to your hwbot.org profile page (if available) Additionally, please send me a pm with the above info plus your email address. Once you've posted here and sent me a pm, will add you to the list of confirmed attendees. PARTY SCHEDULE: Friday 7/22: - early arrivals, maybe all get together for dinner and/or drinks? Saturday 7/23: 7am-9am: Party check-in, table assignments and hardware setup 9am-2am: BENCHING FURY At 2am, we'll clear out and the room will be locked down until 8am on Sunday. Sunday 7/24: 7am-8am: Check-in, socializing and setups 8:00am-4pm: BENCHING FURY part deux 4pm-5pm: Shutdown and get the h3ll outta Dodge DONATIONS: Thanks to Corsair, there is no charge for attendance. That said, as the amount of LN2 covered is fixed, I'm proposing the following suggested donations: - 2-day Bencher: $25 - 1-day Bencher: $15 This is a strictly not-for-profit event and a donation is not required! All donations will be used for additional LN2 (as needed) to ensure that there is plenty for everyone. Any and all residual funds will be given out as prizes for TBD competitions during the weekend. Again, no donation is required for attendance...if you can swing it and feel like donating great otherwise don't worry, be happy! If you want to donate, please send your your funds to me via paypal at scbesterman@NOSPAMhotmail.com (remove the NOSPAM). If you could include enough to cover fees, that'd be very much appreciated! Once I receive your funds, will add how much you gave next to your nick in the official attendee list. My preference would be to show any/all donations given by each attendee so that there's a public accounting/record. If you don't want your donation amount listed, please let me know in a note on your paypal transaction. DEWARS, ETC: Any dewars, dispensing hoses, etc people can bring would be great. Just makes things so much easier. I'll bring my dewar, a dispensing hose and some thermoses. COMPETITIONS: Looking for ideas on possible weekend competitions! The competitions should be highly tilted to favor folks who have never benched cold and/or people in the Rookie, Novice or Enthusiast leagues. LN2 should be a must in order to compete. Since running vgas cold adds complexity, thinking the focus should be on 2D's only (with separate competitions for intel and amd)? Still early days and we have time to figure out details but all ideas and thoughts are welcomed! TEAM BANNERS & OTHER REGALIA: Bring 'em! LOANER POOL SIGN-UPS: Since this event is open to all including people who've never gone cold, we're looking for folks who'd be willing to provide extra hardware (pots, mobos, cpus, ram, psus, keyboards, mice, etc, etc) for lending to any new people who may not already have them. If you have equipment you'd be willing to lend, please let me know and I'll add it to this post. Hardware for lending will (hopefully) be available by 10am Saturday (it's up to the person lending the equipment) and will be on a first come, first served basis. VENDORS: We're also seeking vendors to come and demo their latest and greatest as well as pitching in for weekend giveaways. If any of you have contacts and be willing to try to get them on-board, that'd be awesome. LIABILITY WAIVER: Benching and liquid nitrogen come with certain risks. All attendees will be required to sign a liability waiver accepting those risks before being assigned a table or benching. ============================================================================================ If you have any questions or thoughts, please don't hesitate to post here, send me a pm or email me directly at scbesterman@NOSPAMhotmail.com. Look forward to seeing you all there and stay tuned for updates!!!! Best Regards, -Stefan heatware: https://www.heatware.com/u/84580 Confirmed Attendees (nick, hwbot profile, team, donation amount): - funsoul funsoul @ HWBOT Overclockers.com ($100) - steponz steponz @ HWBOT Australia OC - johnd0e http://hwbot.org/user/johnd0e/'>http://hwbot.org/user/johnd0e/ Overclock.net ($26.25) - jiccman1965 http://hwbot.org/user/jiccman1965/ Overclockers.com ($25) - Johan45 http://hwbot.org/user/johan45/ Overclockers.com - Lochekey http://hwbot.org/user/lochekey/ Overclockers.com ($30) - Splave http://hwbot.org/user/splave/ ocXtreme/KPC Pro ($50) - aerotracks http://hwbot.org/user/aerotracks/ Game of Fire ($25) - marc0053 http://hwbot.org/user/marc0053/ Overclock.net ($25) - hotrod717 http://hwbot.org/user/hotrod717/ Overclockers.com - Trouffman http://hwbot.org/user/trouffman/ Union Francophone Hwbot - TURNnBURN http://hwbot.org/user/turnnburn/ Overclockers.com - filmbot http://hwbot.org/user/filmbot/ ocXtreme - Ooze http://hwbot.org/user/ooze/ /r/overclocking - rtsurfer http://hwbot.org/user/rtsurfer/ Overclock.net - Stone_age http://hwbot.org/user/stone_age/ Classicplatforms.com - jpmboy http://hwbot.org/user/jpmboy/ Overclock.net/soloio ($25) - MaddMutt http://hwbot.org/user/maddmutt/ Overclockers.com - Wiggles5289 http://hwbot.org/user/wiggles5289/ Overclock.net - Xyala http://hwbot.org/user/xyala/ Madshrimps Belgium OC Team - Witchdoctor http://hwbot.org/user/the_witchdoctor/ Overclockers.com - NoL http://hwbot.org/user/nol/ ocXtreme - PROBN4LYFE http://hwbot.org/user/probn4lyfe/ Overclock.net - Strong Island http://hwbot.org/user/strong_island/ Overclock.net - lnlcooling http://hwbot.org/user/lnlcooling/ Overclockers.com - MrBreeze http://hwbot.org/user/mrbreeze/ Overclock.net ($50) Very cool folks who are not attending but donated anyway: - Kal-EL http://hwbot.org/user/kal_el/ $100 Confirmed loaner pool items: - 1-2 mobo/cpu/ram combos (funsoul) - misc ram (funsoul) - 1-3 monitors (funsoul) - 2x 1200watt psus (funsoul) - 5 usb keyboards and mice (funsoul) - 1 cpu pot (funsoul) - k-type, dual channel thermometer (funsoul) - 1 ram pot with all mounting hardware (funsoul) - 1x 6950x (HWBOT) - 2 monitors w/cables (johnd0e) - couple gpus (johnd0e) - huge box of old gpus (Splave) - some old GPU's and a few s478 mobos (Ooze) - 24" 1080p monitors (NO BASE) (MaddMutt) - AFR Hynix/D Die DDR4 (Wiggles5289) - keyboard, mouse (MrBreeze) - 1280x1024 monitor (MrBreeze) - 750w PSU (MrBreeze) Loaner Pool Requests: - PSU/screen/peripherals (aerotracks) - gpu pot (MaddMutt) People who want to or would be willing to share a room with another bencher: - GTIJason - Strong Island - filmbot Sponsors: - Corsair http://www.corsair.com/ - Hwbot http://hwbot.org (Thanks Massman!)
  16. Thanks Strong So...sky bios only works on ocf (not mocf)? With sky, 6320 on ocf...does it let you go in between 102.9375 and 102.9999? If I can squeeze a touch more bclk, it should do it.
  17. Thank you again for the awesome guide Allen! (also thanks to everyone who's shared excellent, supplemental info!) Been playing with a 6320 on this board. Haven't learned or tested nearly enough but wanted to check here on something. Been going after 742 XTU (prior owner of the cpu got it so I know it works). Talk about frustrating! Min/max/avg result over the last 20 runs is 738/741/739.7. Is there any way to adjust bclk in smaller increments? The difference between 102.9375 and 102.9999 seems humongous atm.
  18. I'll take that Rex depending on total cost including shipping to USA. Pm sent
  19. Making a USA group buy sounds like the way to roll. I'd be in for a few kits.
  20. Thank you Splave! Guessing the 121B bios is made for ln2 action and supports non-K oc?
  21. No comment on the sport vs hobby thing but not sure that peak attention has passed. Am currently looking at applying overclocking to computing-centric activities in financial services (for example, algorithmic and arbitrage trading). A few percent increase in performance can lead to relatively significant economic gains. In general, I think that overclocking in the high-performance computing space is still fairly early days (after a number of starts and stops over the past few years). At least I hope so anyway! Would be nice to combine my 'hobby/sport/timesink' and my profession.
  22. Why would people in the 'ranked' league not be entitled to get TopX WRP? Doesn't seem to make any sense to remove the goal of being able to get a world record submission for anyone other than pros.
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