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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Hi Folks! Have one of the kpc northbridge pots and want to set it up on an asus rampage extreme (x48). Since I'll need to remove all the heatpiped cooling hardware from the top of the board to mount the pot, am wondering what (if anything) needs to be done for all the exposed parts ? For example...not sure running the southbridge without something on it is a good idea? Whatcha think? Also wondering about what temps to shoot for...iirc...someone told me -30 to -40C for the NB? Tia for your guidance/experience!
  2. Great sub and good work with that chip!
  3. Hi Alby! Thanks man! Hopefully I'll get my ram figured out and give this another shot. How you been?? Played with that 6c lately?
  4. hmmm....thanks guys. Reset mei without issue but when I put the 6700k in again, still same 00>19>23 and no post issue. The chip doesn't look bent but maybe it is?? If so...how can I straighten it out and/or otherwise get it working again? Don't see how putting a little armaflex in there would help? Good to hear it's likely not a dead cpu! Now just to figure out how the heck to get it working again
  5. Tried with a different cpu (6320k) and the board booted right up The 6700k looks perfectly flat, pcb doesn't seem warped. Figure I'll reinstall mei from the bios menu. Hoping the cpu's not damaged Any ideas? Not able to follow/understand nachtfalke..."use in the socket center were the square hole are and the MLCC´s cap are a small pice of armaflex , help me alot now to avoid this issue"? Update: Should I be using the 121B (which is already on the board) or 131 bios?
  6. Thanks l0ud. Gave it a shot...no go Still same codes.
  7. Hi folks...having a bit of a problem so wanted to check in here for thoughts/ideas. z170m ocf has been running great with a 6320 and, recently, a 6700k (which I'm slowly figuring out). All was well during an ln2 session a couple days ago. Tore the setup down, put it back together and put a waterblock on the 6700k so I can set up an os, load some drivers, etc, etc. Problem is that when I start the board, it flashes 19 then 00 (cycles those 1-3 times) then goes to 23. Per Splave's OP, 23 is "23 RTL/Mem failure -Try different RTL / timing or different vdimm or VCCSA". Board can't post atm so can't do anything in bios. Pulled everything apart and sprayed the socket, cpu and dimm slots real good with contact cleaner. Also checked for bent pins and any other signs of damange...everything looks fine. Put the setup back together then tried again. Same problem Tried single sticks in each slot (used 6 sticks total for tests). Any ideas?? Is something dead?
  8. Hi and thanks Marc! Efficiency is horrid...still trying to figure the chip out. Am sure it can do better with 10x86 and HT on. Hope you're well dude! Again...awesome to meet you in PA! Also...big thanks for the benching table!! -Stefan
  9. Heya folks! Just wanted to thank everyone for my best benching-related experience ever (so far)! What an outstanding time!!! I learned more from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon than I have in the entire time I've been benching! It was excellent to meet everyone! What a great group of folks! Really was such a pleasure to get to hang out with the crew. Going to write up the weekend experience and will link it here but until then....huge thank you's out to steponz/Joe for everything he showed me and getting Corsair involved. TREMENDOUS thanks out to Corsair for their awesome sponsorship!!! Also thanks go out to hotrod for hooking us up with the killer ln2 connection (plus being there for tank delivery and return). Thank you also to Pieter, hwbot and the super-kind OCTV crew! Another big thanks go out to all my OCF teamates for helping out and giving me the encouragement to see this thing through! Most importantly, of course, thanks again to everyone who made it to the party (as well as those who offered words, wishes and donations). You guys are what really made this event so hat's off to you! Now that the ice has been broken, hopefully we'll do more regional events in the future. Thanks again for an amazing time! -Stefan Links to OCTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCabB1jkhqCyUr_F3NJBFhLg https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv/profile https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv/v/79749822 https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv/v/79689997 https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv/v/79654917
  10. Awesome man! Good one! (great group photo, too!)
  11. Well...in that case...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIAN!!! ;P Seriously, though...thanks for everything you do around here. Wishing you your best year ever so far!
  12. Excellent Perica! Hopefully it wasn't a horrendous pita (had to take me something close to 1k tries *groan*)
  13. Excellent johnd0e! Feels good to get that behind ya', right?
  14. Thanks guys! Yeah man....couldn't have done it without everyone's help and support! You guys are awesome!
  15. I'm hoping to get on the road around noon, shooting to arrive at the hotel by 2:30-3 ish.
  16. Hey Wiggles! Bringing along an extra monitor or 2 could be great (I'm bringing at least 1 extra, too). Been pretty quiet here regarding people needing stuff so maybe we're all set (other than extension cords and a cam or 2). Strong's run in to some issues (dead truck) but he's trying to make alternate arrangements (he's out on L.I.). If he comes, already told him he can crash in my room but if for some reason he can't make it, happy to split with you.
  17. We need a couple extra cams if anyone has one or 2 they could bring, that'd be awesome.
  18. Thanks Rod!! Looks great! I'll make sure to bring some extension cords (pretty sure I've got 5-6). Am sure we can re-arrange things a bit once we're there and in. Gotta skin my rex today and finish packing. Want to be on the road by around noon tomorrow.
  19. If my math is correct, we've gotten $456.25 in donations as of today. Of that, I spent $30 on 5 usb keyboards and mice for the party so that leaves $426.25 to do with as we please. We're all set on ln2 so....what should we do with the extra cash? Give out cash prizes for some kind of competion(s)? (If so, we need to figure out what the competition(s) would be). Buy food and beverages? Return everyone's money? Something else? Just a couple days to go....let's figure out what to do with the moolah! Thanks for getting us hooked up with the juice dude!! I'll be bringing a transfer hose and dewar. Let me know how it goes for you on-site today. Pretty sure they're already getting the room set up for us. Agreed...we could definitely use more dewars! If anyone has extras they could bring along, that'd be stellar. Wooohooo!!!! Thanks Joe! You da' man!! Thanks for getting Corsair involved with this event!!! Definitely looking forward to seeing everyone soon!!!
  20. I'd love to help but got laid off last week so no can do atm
  21. Hi again! Corsair has hooked us up VERY large (in addition to covering venue and ln2, they shipped some goodies for prizes/giveways) so we should make them feel the love so to speak. The folks at OCTV/hwbot will running streams but we should also try to make our own happen. Does anyone have cams they could bring along? Also, based on emails with the venue...we should try to bring extension cords and the like. I've got 4-6 that to bring. A small router/switch would also be great if anyone has one laying around somewhere convenient. Thoughts? There will definitely be lots of pics! Just need to figure out where to set a page and post them.
  22. Just a few more days!!! Feeling a tad stressed but super excited! Hoping I can get everything prepped and ready by Friday morning. Plan on getting to the hotel by around 2-3pm on Friday so would love to get together with any other early arrivers for hanging out, food, beverages, whatever. Is everyone all set? Everyone who's planning to stay over have their room arrangements? On the internet access thing...we will have wired connections for streaming, wireless for everything else. If anything is still outstanding or you need anything that I might be able to help with, please let me know and I'll do whatever I can. Want to make sure that everyone has the best possible time. Look forward to finally meeting all the faces that go with the nicks! -Stefan
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