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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Thanks gents! Slowly getting the hang of the chip. Hope to take it cold again this weekend. 68x works but very unstable, hopefully will be able to get it running for the light 2d's. Thanks for the nice chip shar!
  2. funsoul

    WTB: Fast 7350k

    also have a ga-ep45-extreme (ddr2) to offer up...also have a bit of ddr2 ( OCN RAM Addict Club-Gallery - Page 547 )
  3. Thanks guys! Got real squirrely, forgot to save a 2222 run and now it's over for today. Slowly getting it figured out, will try again (hopefully) soon.
  4. funsoul

    WTB: Fast 7350k

    Heya suzuki! Yeah, well...have to be willing to give something up if I hope to entice anyone Only have 3 working sticks of gtx2's but also have some other tastey ones.
  5. funsoul

    WTB: Fast 7350k

    Anyone have a good one they wouldn't mind selling me? Tia! -Stefan PS: Could include some nice ddr3 (hypers and/or psc), a rex or some other goodie as part of a cash+goodie deal. And/or a ga-ep45-extreme (ddr 2)
  6. Hiya Jason! Thinking of sending just (what were) the nicest sticks to someone for a reflow. For the remaining, will send back what I can for rma replacement and likely just toss the rest. Thanks Sparks! Will check for bent pcb's. Figure only the former good ones are worth messing with at this point. Yeah...tried that on that gtx stick. Didn't help Heya bartx! Thanks for the nice info! Yeah...I'm definitely not the type to undertake that type of effort but will certainly take a look for damaged chips on all the now dead-ish ones before sending anything out for reflowing. Not worth messing with sticks that have fried chips.
  7. funsoul

    Good 7700k

    Pm sent
  8. nm...figured it out. gone
  9. Any thoughts on how much this mobo is worth these days? tia!
  10. Price drops Feel free to make reasonable offers and/or trades!
  11. Price drop on the z97 msi board. Now $80 incl shipping to us48 Reasonable offers and trades welcome!
  12. Snap, crackle, pop Allen. Sounds like your recommendation is to either try rma or just move on?
  13. Hiya Alby! Hope you're well man! Yessir...a few times
  14. Hiya Folks! Been going through a lot of older ddr3 and, much to my chagrin, quite a few are dead-ish. They throw 10 or 26 errors (on a z97ocf) or send the board in to constant looping. Is there any way to possibly revive them? Someone here said to remove the heatsinks, soak them for a couple hours in isopropyl alcohol then bake them in the oven for about a 1/2 hour at 50C. Does that sound right? Is the temperature correct (don't think my oven allows setting such a low temp)? Is it even possible that this could work? Anyone here successfully brought the dead back to life? Appreciate any tips, guidance, etc. Figure I'll try a crappy, disposable stick or 2 first and, if whatever process works, move to the nicer ones. Thanks in advance!!! -Stefan
  15. Not sure if it's still available but have you tried Rampage Extreme x48 PRICE DROP ?
  16. Bump. Want these gone, feel free to pm offers! Tia!
  17. Sale pending on the z170mocf Price for the msi board reduced
  18. Hi Folks! *NOTE: Due to work I can only ship on Saturdays* heatware: https://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=84580 Selling some more parts to raise funds for Kaby. Everything is in full working condition. Payments via paypal only. All prices include priority shipping to US48. As far as trades (or cash +/-, etc), would be interested in: -any top 5 capable 775 or 1155 cpu showing 49.7 boints in 3 or more 2d benches, or, a fast i3-7350K - ssds and/or m2 drive Thanks for looking! 1) MSI Z97 XPower AC- This board is mostly covered in LET from a couple ln2 sessions. Stripped some insulation from the back so I could mount a waterblock for testing. Board, rear ports, ram slots and vga slots all working fine. Includes the original box, manual and most accessories (die guard is missing). $90 incl. US48 shipping Now $80 2) Asrock z170m OC Formula- Brand new rma replacement. Will look around for the box and accessories but consider this a bare board. $165 shipped to US 48. SOLD
  19. Hi Folks! *NOTE: Due to work I can only ship on Saturdays* heatware: https://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=84580 Selling some more parts to raise funds for Kaby. Everything is in full working condition. Payments via paypal only. All prices include priority shipping to US48. As far as trades (or cash +/-, etc), would be interested in: -any top 5 capable 775 or 1155 cpu showing 49.7 boints in 3 or more 2d benches, or, a fast i3-7350K - ssds and/or m2 drive Thanks for looking! 1) Corsair Dominators BNIB cmd32gx4m4b3600c16 $375 shipped to US48. SOLD
  20. 6790k and the asrock board are sold.
  21. Sale pending on the A10-6790K and Asrock board.
  22. Bump for price drops. Want these things gone.
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