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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Awesome timings Samsarulz!
  2. Awesome bartx! Keep us posted, could use a set of 4 myself.
  3. I must be dense as I'm still not following. So...with 819 current league points I'd be in the 3rd league? Would I be losing points with this change? Still am not following 100% why this change is needed (I was fine with the old, 3 league structure).
  4. Other than the chiller issue, don't see why it needs to change again. No global points for anyone but pros/elites??? Definitely hate that idea as me (and many others) have worked pretty hard to get them, losing them would be a kick in the dingding. I didn't understand the last change. Thought Elite, Extreme and 'regular' were fine. Am I missing something?
  5. Hiya saturn74! Certainly worth a try! Would definitely help out a lot of the folks who are flying in to the area.
  6. Thinking walmart may have a big run on monitors that weekend
  7. Monitor rentals look real pricey. Here are a couple places I found: http://www.rentechsolutions.com/rental-pricing/monitor/ https://www.rentacomputer.com/rentals/audio-visual/monitors
  8. That's an excellent idea dude! Would you or rt (or anyone else) be willing to research a little and make some calls?
  9. Bummer that it's too far away for you saturn74. Certainly understand. This event is open to all whether they've used ln2 or not. It's a chance to hang out, meet people and, if interested, try ln2 for the first time. There will be plenty of folks to help with everything from insulating through to the first cold run.
  10. Excellente!!! Shaping up to be a real nice crowd! Hopefully will figure out more details in the next couple days so we can start a real event sign-up thread.
  11. Thank you SOO much Bass! As I said before, never done this kind of thing before so am learning as we go. Any/all tips, guidance, etc are hugely welcomed dude! So far there's been 1 person who has offered to get one (or 2?) of their sponsors involved. Have provided him with the quote from the venue but not the ln2 yet. Guessing the best route would be to wait to hear back from him to get their names and what, if anything, they can do for us before speaking with anyone else? Since we're already on the double-edged sword route, figure the more sponsor involvement the better? That said...I've got zero sponsor or vendor contacts so am hoping some elites (or others) will reach out to their relationships on our behalf. Thanks again for the guidance man! Hola Mister Splave! Thank you for the kind offer!!! hotrod717 is setting us up with his local ln2 contact/supplier. Decent pricing, no dewar rental fees and no deposit. Hope you can make the party Splave. It'd be great to meet you!
  12. Booked our venue yesterday so we are definitely on for that weekend in July! We also have our ln2 supplier arranged. We may also have a sponsor or two willing to participate. Once we have the formal quote for the ln2, will relay all costs to the fine bencher who has kindly offered to try to get his sponsor(s) behind us. Once we know the full details of their support (if any), we will then be able to figure out total costs and attendee charges. If any of you have other potential sponsors who might be interested in supporting the event via helping out with the costs, providing stuff for giveaways or anything else, that would be awesome and very much appreciated by all. Once we know the full story will create a formal sign-up thread. Hoping to have that done by the end of next week (or so). Getting there!! Stay tuned!!!
  13. ewwww bummer Ah well...next time
  14. funsoul

    SS, Pots and dewar

    I've known Dumo/Roy for years now. He's always been an honest guy and although there have been times when he's been slow to ship, I've always gotten everything he promised. If past experience counts for anything, he'll fulfill his end of the deal, can just take him a little while. I ordered something, too so we're all in the same boat.
  15. Just a quick, short update...narrowing down the venues. Hope to have something booked by this Friday. Getting there!!!
  16. funsoul

    [FS] 6.2GHz i3 6320

  17. pm'd
  18. Thanks Jason! Don't think results with 2 are valid? Let me see what I've got at home, may want to snag a couple of your versions if possible.
  19. Hi Folks Is there an archive of all releases of geekbench3 around somewhere (or does someone have all the prior versions that they'd be willing to share)? Want to do some comparison testing across different versions but the official site only lets me get the newest one. Tia!
  20. Thanks MM! 2 seconds is pretty massive but y'never know...might try it again some day Thanks Alby! Workin' on it
  21. pm sent
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