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Everything posted by newlife

  1. What temp are the Samsung's because I've never any Samsung ICs run 2800 c8
  2. Looking good mate. Have you wazza and had a look at the thread I posted? If you have not done wazza it could very well get you below 7m and I'm working on a fx 4100 + HYK0 based mems + amd 760g chipset
  3. Not just any hard liquor but vodka and gin by the looks of it, which when kept in the freezer removes the need for ice
  4. Thanks for that you confirmed what I was thinking about ocp and what would I do to increase the resistance as wouldn't adding a trimpot decrease it? Edit: The only thing I can think of is replacing the resistor with a trimpot and csn1/2 both read 2kohm
  5. While you made some good points Wizerty this has just gone down a very childish path
  6. Sorry for double post but I have included the tested and proven mods (by me) for a reference sapphire hd 7750 I've include link to my imgur album with full res as hwbot has a size limit http://imgur.com/a/VfN6E Ps. I really need to know how to do a OCP/OVP mod for this card
  7. So what's the deal with water coolers? 2nd in XTU is using an intel water cooler set to 10c and maxing at 96c with 1.7v while 1st is maxing at 68c with 1.75v and he also has his cpu under load in the SS to hide his idle temps. If you ask me this is bull and not very fair to newcomers after massman said no sub ambient
  8. What you really need is something like 2600c10 TridentX with HCH9/HYK0 which are dual sided 4gb sticks. Those low bin kits won't don't very well when put up against something like the tridents because I don't think that the low bin stuff can run at 2800 c9-12-12-14 twcl 6 like the 2600c10 Tridents can
  9. And how would I do so as I have no idea about vid mods and it doesn't show anything about vid in the data sheet. Thanks in advance
  10. Could someone give me a quick hand on what I would need to do for OVP and OCP mods for an APW7098 http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/316993/ANPEC/APW7098.html
  11. Here's some 32m tweaks http://www.overclock.net/t/1249432/super-pi-32m-tweaking-guide And as for copy wazza I use ocx spi tweaker And for amd users look here http://hwbot.org/newsflash/2099_the_stilt_releases_bulldozer_conditioner_software_amd_superpi_history_to_be_re_written and here http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=86959
  12. You mean like when it's 4am-6am here in Adelaide
  13. Massman has already said anything sub ambient is not allowed in stage 1 which includes ice
  14. Nice going everyone I'll post some 32m tweaks up later
  15. Bloated to hell OS + tweaked to hell
  16. THL W200s with ZP998 firmware
  17. It's a bug caused by the bench crashing (black screen) in the sub tests and letting it finish. It was discovered on a comp over at OCAU using gt 610s
  18. cpu was at 5.6ghz and on Dice but it won't let me edit the sub
  19. It's bugged and the SS doesn't meet hwbot rules for 03 as you didn't show the results window This run of mine is tweaked to hell and has higher cpu clock and gpu clock http://hwbot.org/submission/2580705_ Edit: You should be getting something like this http://hwbot.org/submission/2533405_newlife_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_780_154521_marks/
  20. Thanks and yeah some water or something stopped the board working for 2 days but it's all good now
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