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Everything posted by Devroush

  1. Aha, you're right. Well, I'll add it to the tracker again, hope to have it fixed soon.
  2. Yep, hardware matching doesn't work if it is a new string (and it was new because of the '-' like you said). It should work fine now.
  3. I Think Mike got confused on how to make a submission. He added a CPU-Z url to the benchmark http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2689295 . Removed it from the benchmark list.
  4. Hm yes you're right. Uploading a youtube url is considered part of the verification, but if you make a submission with a datafile, you don't have to add any verification, the datafile itself is enough. I'll move the youtube url part to the upload pics of your system part. I'll let you know when it's fixed.
  5. Holy crap this is old . I just tried it with Chrome but doesn't seem to affect me. Do you have an example? Page you're on and the link that you click on? In our bugtracker this is marked as fixed since june 2011.
  6. It's Turrican, apparently his forum account wasn't linked to his hwbot account. http://hwbot.org/submission/2220521
  7. I THINK you're right but, well, I'm no expert . I'll check with PJ and let you know if it get's added.
  8. I was going to say I can take that last place with my laptop but no, your 784 marks in 3Dmark2001 is impressive lol. Did you know that I can manage a higher score in a virtual machine, without a graphics card ?
  9. Added! http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2013_sc1/stage/832_2010:_gulftown/
  10. Sure did, congrats to kryptonian_sher, who made the winning submission with a Sempron 64 laptop ! http://hwbot.org/submission/2352268 http://gigabytedaily.blogspot.be/2013/02/year-of-snake-prize-draw-week-1-winner.html You still have 3 weeks left to try to win ZL1
  11. Well it's fixed anyway, next deploy to production will have the fix .
  12. Btw, if somebody was wondering, yes some avatars are broken. If you uploaded your avatar using IE7 it'll probably be broken. I'll try to fix it though.
  13. Daww, that made me very happy. Thanks for the kind words, we hope to keep improving things! PJ told me HWBOT has a history of breaking down when he or Frederik go on holiday though. Here's hoping we break that tradition .
  14. Links fixed. MY BAD. Other issues: looking into it. Keep them coming, it'll be 2 weeks of bugfixing .
  15. 28 min, Pi supremacy! Although I must admit I had hoped it would've been faster. http://hwbot.org/submission/2353668_devroush_hwbotprime_arm1176_s_28min_21sec_125ms/
  16. Link updated to 2.23 on the site.
  17. So, where did you get this error? I'll try to fix it if you tell me .
  18. Just tried a java 8 preview, that adds support for arm hf architectures to java, a benchmark run now completes in half an hour. Certainly an improvement. http://www.savagehomeautomation.com/projects/raspberry-pi-installing-oracle-java-se-8-with-javafx-develop.html
  19. Added a link with the competition background to the page and added a rule for the 3Dmark11 stage, verification link is required. Good luck all!
  20. The estimating speed part was pretty slow, 10 min is "normal". I made some changes to the code a few days ago so that it just reads the speed from a OS file, it's pretty much instant now. The benchmark itself gives you regular progress updates, but slows down near the end. But yeah it took me +2 hr with the cpu OCed to 1 GHz . Crazy if you see that the same work can be done in 30 seconds on a modern pc. What OS/Java version do you have? I have Raspbian hard float ABI installed. Java version: dennis@raspberrypi ~ $ java -version java version "1.7.0_07" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.2) (7u7-2.3.2a-1+rpi1) OpenJDK Zero VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode) http://hwbot.org/submission/2350613_devroush_hwbotprime_arm1176_s_2h_39min_19sec_5ms
  21. Ah I know what's causing this. We check the accept header of the request to determine if we should return xml or json. Apparently if the request has Accept: */*, it will return json. curl -H "Accept: application/xml" http://hwbot.org/api/benchmarks -> xml curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://hwbot.org/api/benchmarks -> json curl -H "Accept: */*" http://hwbot.org/api/benchmarks> json Don't know if php has a way of setting accept headers but if you can, set Accept: application/xml . I'll look for a solution though.
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