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Everything posted by giorgioprimo

  1. nice.....but 1750 on 3dm11 and 1650 on 3dm03 ? Are you hiding secret shot ??
  2. I think it is complicate to demonstrate if the hardware is "sold" or "shared"..... As i said everything is about your honesty. Let's say (IMHO) to see 2 guy from same country, and also from same hwbot team, posting results with same cpu and vga clocks, make me sospicius......even if is no possible to demonstrate the sharing
  3. I think anything is just about the onesty of any single guy ...... anybody here discussing about motherboard ?? Who can say in this online comeptition if I share cpu or VGA wiht same ther guy ? What about if anybody of us (me and my firends) have his own mobos, cpu and vga ? Than we meet for a week end, we bin the golden cpu, golden vga and then, we use same cpu and vga to produce the score ? Just banching with 5...10 Mhz difference ? and than, we post pictures with 3 mobos, 3 vga (or maybe 5) 3 cpu (or maybe 5). Who can say we used the same CPU ?? Came one guys, again, this is just about the honesty of any single guy ...nobody can demonstrate hardware sharing in the online competition.....
  4. Congratulation Roby, well deserved for your solid and hard benching
  5. How long the pro oc league take to be updated ?? I have about 200 more points now ....
  6. thanks guys P.s. Nick ....are you too scary to let me have one of your 2600k ??
  7. thanks....yeah the efficency was pretty good. It is a shame that i got problem on the vga ....that damn "crack". I will run again soon
  8. I'll be already there to take care about you all .... Try to be goo boy, guys ....as good as you can. This final is gonna be epic
  9. you got GT3 bug.... you need to put "streched" on the screen option
  10. This is your simple decision, as always you run out. 1)is simple to decide to discuss this issue in "your forum". I asked to you to discuss HERE in public and not at "your home" or at "my home" 2) i think you saw someone else phonecall. I never called you and I'm not going to call you. You made the accusation against me, I asked to you to go deep in pubblic in this accusation and you get out. 3) you made a big mistake telling this this is the worst thing you could say about me: as we say in italy "hai pestato una merda troppo grossa" I think you didn't realize the severity of your claim, and didn't realize how angry I'm, especially because you throw the rock and hide the hand....... I have to suppose this is normal for people like you. You said you don't like me ? True You said I don't like you ? False, i really don't care about you. But I hate anybody trying to stab in the back and telling bullshit about me without any reason and any proof. Besides that, probably you know my telephone number, you can call me anytime, but just to apoligize ... Have fun at university
  11. i'm here to have funa myself too....but Anybody knows me becuase I don't like to say things about people, I'm pretty respectfull of anybody and never, never talk about things that are not my business. ...but this is not the first time that iron and mafio try to stab in the back me and my team. More than my team, me...an'd I'm tired about that. You (mafio and iron) just know how to cry because you don't have anough money to spend in hardware to demonstrate your skill. And try to find argoument whit people that buy lot of hardware. You know what, there are lot of great overclocker here that started benching poor hardware and gave big results, hitting the chance to get supports from company, it is not your case. So your chance is to attach other people. I TELL YUO CLEARLY AGAIN, YOU MADE ACCUSATION AGAINST ME, JUST GO ON IF YUO ARE A MEN. ALL THE PEOPLE IN THIS COMMUNITY WHICH KNOW ME, HAVE A KIND OF IDEA ABOUT MY WAY TO ACT, I CANNOT ALLOW PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST TO TRY TO MAKE ANY SHADOW ON MY REPUTATION. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO PROOF YOU ARE LEGIT, YOU AE A MAN AND I'M JUST A "UNDER"CLOCKER, JUST A BOSS "ALCAPONE" STYLE. TELL EVERYTHING ABOUT ME IRON CAME ON. I'M REALLY TIRED ABOUT YOUR CHIT-CHAT. AND AGAIN, YUO CAN PROOF YOU ARE A GOOD OVERCLOCKER......AGAIN MY LAB IS OPEN TO YOU, ALL MY HARDWARE IS AT YUOR DISPOSAL. I'M TIRED ABOUT YOUR WAY TO TALK AND GET BACK IRON ....AND MAFIO. YUO ARE LIKE A CLOWN You are right....but i'm pretty tired of those guys. I'm usually a really quite, introspective, and respectfull people. But at this point i'm really tired...
  12. Again ..... tell what you have to tell, proof what you have to proof insteed to continue to talking about me and nexhardware like some kind of "mafia". DO IT !!!!! and about that besides the istoric things.....let's say what "friends" you are talking about or "what way to do business" you are talking about. And let's show anything around the forums, or around the web, were I stab on the back about you or about your website o about your team. You can tell everything without dsclose your sources. Go on !! let's talk and about i don't need to gather attention from anybody....it's always you that start to tell bullshit about my team mates in pubblic again be a men, be clear, be smart ....what are you talking about ???? It is a real proposal, my invitation is valid and legit. From Milan to Siena is about 3.5 hour drivinig. And please stop telling that you are busy with university. I have a wife and a son, a work wich take my time 10-12 hour a day, i travel all around italy driving for 90000 km every year and still I find time to bench. So came on, my lab is open to you and all my hardware wich I wasted thousands euro is available to be benched by you.
  13. story start here ....... http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29379
  14. You are right: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=125213#post125213
  15. OK, let's flame. if yuo know things about me, let's tell clearly everything yuo know to anybody, came on . let's face your accusations and let's be ready to proof anything you say. I REALLY DON'T LIKE PEOPLE WHO TRY TO MAKE BAD LODGEMENT ABOUT A REPUTATION WHICH I BUILT IN YEARS AROUND THE OC COMMUNITY
  16. I'm not insulting anybody. It's always you and people from your team telling bullshit about us even in discussion litke that one, wich have nothing to do with my team's mebers. What is the sense to speack about SPL in this discussion ? tell me please .... About my team and your team ....it is yuor probelm, we bench and think to our own business. You take any occasion to tell bullshit about us. We are 5 people activly benching, you are at least 15 .... About spending lot of money for hardware: What about other italian overclockers which spent lot of money for hardware like rsannino, you and mafio like him so much, besides he spent maybe more than me in hardware ..I do not see much consistency in this Again about the hardware I already said you one time: you came to my place, i give you my plattform, you bring your hard drive , and than you show me if yuo can score better than me or better than spl. Or, better than that, you choose a plattform to bench at same clock, and let's see who score better Second time i tell you that yes you are funny little brat
  17. maybe just because Mafio is a little child which prefer to be funboy for anybody different than an italian clocker better than him ...... Try to learn how to bench Mafio, before criticize other people from your country. besides that, nice score 12 .....
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