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Everything posted by nickolp1974

  1. nickolp1974

    Part out....

    Tek9 Fat-paid
  2. People care about points because there benchers, having a database of submissions give a reference point on which to improve, it wouldn't be much of a hobby/sport if there wasn't anything to compare against. We are all competitive with some more than others and i care about points and i love my hobby i'd do it every minute of the day if i could and the "Elites" out there just make me want to get better and learn as much as i can and hopefully one day i can compete with them. I'd certainly never want to punish the "Elites" just because they get hardware handed to them, like has been said before they have earned it and deserve everything. We have an Elite member in our team and although now not an active points scorer the knowledge to be shared is awesome and is one of the most helpful guys i know.
  3. Great stuff, where can i get one of those power cards?
  4. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-000-8P
  5. i used these http://www.memoryc.com/computer-memory/ddr4/16gb-gskill-ripjaws4-ddr4-2666mhz-pc4-21300-cl15-quad-kit.html and they managed 3200 C14 and 2666+C11 with ease and 2666 with tight timings always gave the better results for me with my limited ram tuning knowledge.
  6. nickolp1974

    Part out....

    260's received Doug and working great, thankyou
  7. So i have been told not be long now SS actually idles about -57, -54.5 3D load
  8. Thanks i'll try that driver, core at 1.34v and mems at stock
  9. Contact CS there pretty accommodating for overseas customers
  10. Thats awesome and not a bad price neither.
  11. Is there a workaround on this board to enable quad sli??
  12. I perhaps should of posted first before attempting with no knowledge!! Quite looking forward to it now once the extra bits arrive Thank you very much!
  13. Thats great and what i needed to know! i have been testing with really flimsy wire(from a fan cable) and it flops everywhere!! So i take i guess its better to solder the easy point first so you can shape the wire into position for the more difficult point? Whats the easy way to remove little resistors?? Thank you
  14. So when soldering what is the method??
  15. nickolp1974

    Part out....

    Are they the 216SP? If they are and £50 for the pair PM me your details
  16. Thanks i'll get some ordered now
  17. Cool thanks for the tips, on the 3870 when i was trying to solder the wire to the mod point the point disappeared!! As in the little solder dot and i could no longer get a reading there, only realised after about the 5th attempt then the iron stuck to the pcb and pulled a trace out
  18. nickolp1974

    Part out....

    Hey doug, are the 2 modded 260's still available?? Presuming unrun means they work and you just havn't tested??
  19. Thanks for the reply's chaps, i ended up getting a 30w weller standard iron from maplin, its got a smallish pointy tip may need to grab a smaller one yet, already trashed a 3870 practising, also grabbed a glue gun whilst there. Theres one thing i forgot though and that was a magnifying glass, eyes aint as good as they used to be!! Never soldered before so any tips?? Watched a vid on the tube but that was just splicing 2 wires together!! Dealing with very small points on a pcb appears to be a whole different ball game Got a couple of 295's coming and that looks straight forward, just removing the correct resistors shouldn't be too difficult Whats the flux stuff for, is it Kenny(K404)??
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