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Everything posted by nickolp1974

  1. What do you guys think? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2PK-COMPUTER-USB-POWERED-ELECTRIC-MOUSE-PAD-HAND-FINGER-WARMER-HEATING-PAD-MAT-/271736150993?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f44bc9bd1 Size looks good and usb connection, not sure on the heat, but warm enough do ya think? Worth a punt?
  2. So hair dryer and straightners, my mrs will think i'm setting up a salon!
  3. Cheers guys for the help, and thats what i have been reading Viz about the 480L being a pain, may leave that one for now then and possibly stick with the 280amp as i have a bit of experience with it and with some of advice off viz beforehand mirrors what you say kenny about building temps up, it was getting there until i believe moisture got in the slot. @Roman, i was just using MX2 but have since gotten some PK3 after reading your reviews on TIM mainly due to the fact most of the time my hardware is on phase, once i know whats what and which cards can go colder i'll be trying some of the thermal grizzly. Iirc temps got to around -90c, going up from -50c in 10c increments and then testing. Can you provide a link to some suitable neoprene and a heating element. Thanks chaps
  4. Thanks for the reply Roman, mainly using older cards to test first before using newer more expensive tech, next to test will be a 480 lightning, i have read that other than the core they like to keep warm so that will be an interesting test as i'd imagine there could be more moisture. Card before was a 280amp which was going ok and i was building clocks/volts/temps but i think again moisture in the slot killed that session again, so that defo looks to be my problem area With vas in the slot, will contact still be made? Ever thought of making a rubber gasket/skirt or something like that to sell Roman?? That would be great at diverting moisture away.
  5. I have tried a couple of times freezing VGA's without much success and after 20 mins it just seem to go to s*** and i just end up wasting LN 1. So for the basics, just vas or LET the entire board? 2. Using vas in or around the slot? Do i melt it in or just seal around once the vga is in place?? This can be difficult with little space(impact) as i cant get my fat fingers in to do this! 3. Is there any rules as to which mems dont like cold?? 4. Insulating from cold? (Foam etc) again is this card dependant and generally which areas?? 5. Does pot size matter?? I have a tek 9 fat and slim Any help on this matter and i'd be truly grateful, i would love a session to last longer than 20mins!
  6. cheers chaps, this one may deserve some LN2 goodness
  7. Yes you are allowed but is it fair?? See topic http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmidlifegamers.co.uk%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D23%26t%3D2226&h=YAQGZf8Jt&enc=AZM9jJEAkX5NclZ9QDyVhRVr_h3VybV40vEtnPermec5XtrINiuALnTQPJ8KZbA7Ety5yyjyOeJr2641cPPLGFFqnN87i7YlGkGKC6MC5XfKKcaZrXPbu-1d0iHb9yTbgT-aWJfy9WMfbTS9yXy8Ly11NmCEyfKllHqfDBj6bX4zJwu7TLXplBc4t5oy0WvRdu4DHUYnRfHbvasx0u5-cvJO&s=1 Mods delete link if not allowed. Nick
  8. Are these machined yourself?? I'd be interested in a universal mount for vga with phase
  9. The 1.5 is SA volts but it's an offset of +0.15v So when cold set to 7-11-7 with 38-38-39-39/4-4-4-4 and let it train?? And is that at 2666?? Mems are not my strong point tbh but I need to learn more to improve efficiency. I can increase the BCLK upto about say 102 but that could be down to other settings and not the ram. On air the best stability appears to be at 8-12-9-28-1t @2600mhz/1.88v As part of my board is broke(dead orange lane) it may not be the best to test on, going to grab an impact just to compare but any help would be great in tuning mems.
  10. I normally train at 2400 then lock RTL's in and then push up, 2666 is fine with the usual 8-12-8-28 but can't go higher or drop timings and that was at -160c 2v +1.5/1.0/1.15, sticks are pi 2200C7
  11. Cheers Lewis, not a bad chip considering it was the first I tested from a blind buy off the bay
  12. Tried mine on cold and did very little but i think my boards FUBAR now, i have to use black slots as an orange one is dead and i cant put X04 on it as its saying mismatch ID and i doubt i can rma as its covered in Vas! Question though, when freezing mems do you rig up power/reset switch to the pin headers??
  13. Very impressive, good job Bullant
  14. Subject: What's the nail for ? A blonde city girl, marries a Cornish dairy farmer. One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, farmer says to his wife 'The insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today. I drove a nail into the rail above the cow's stall in the barn. You show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK? So then the farmer leaves for the fields. After a while, the insemination man arrives and knocks on the front door. She takes him down to the barn. They walk along the row of cows and when she sees the nail, she tells him, "This is the one...right here." Terribly impressed by what he seemed to think just might be another ditzy blonde, the man asks, "Tell me lady, how did you know this is the cow to be bred?" "That's simple; by the nail over its stall", she explains very confidently. Then the man asks, "What's the nail for?" She turns and starts to walk away and with complete confidence, says over her shoulder, ...... "I assume it's to hang your trousers"
  15. Thats £0.32 per litre! No wonder you bench so much with it!
  16. Cheers, mems just arn't playing nice even when frozen cant work out if its the board(1 dead orange slot) or the sticks, pushing voltage up another 0.25v none of the primarys can be lowered. Only wanted another 34pts! But i think the board has had enough after 5hrs, normally CB's around -128c but wouldn't hit -105 by the end. Need to try again.
  17. As Dutch says Lawrence, as a team captain we can edit members subs to help with moderation etc, in your case changed to 2xcpu and saved then back to 1x and saved=fixed Fixed the other 2 for you.
  18. Awesome score Strat, wish my LN2 delivery would hurry up!
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