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Everything posted by raules009

  1. http://hwbot.org/submission/2724869_raules009_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_4890_15912_marks 4890 1.5volt msi afterburner 1.5.0
  2. Tutto ad aria Me lo potete baciare
  3. Metti le RAM sotto phase e cpu sotto cascade
  4. cpu 5,1ghz 4core 1.383 real 1.386V cpu 5,1ghz 2core 1.36v real 1.364v cooler h110 corsair cpu ln2 test 4core 6,4ghz 1.64real vcore but the cache must be greater than 5 GHz to do 6,4ghz
  5. No Lod , only tweak Windows 7
  6. sometimes it is best windows 7
  7. http://hwbot.org/submission/2686103_raules009_3dmark03_radeon_hd_4870_72087_marks windows 7
  8. Power limit mod also works with conductive paint personally tried without moving the power limit to afterburner. What else can run with conductive paint? for the ocp mod I have to remove the resistor or can I use the conductive paint?
  9. Vgpu mod one chosen ?
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