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Everything posted by raules009

  1. G3258 Max air cooling hwbotprime ?
  2. Stage 3 hwbotprime is the best is g3258 5,3ghz
  3. test 4,4ghz 9,69pts h110 cosair with tweak 9,8-9,9pts
  4. Scheda madre o cpu morta dopo questo test benchmark .... Spero la scheda madre questa cpu era troppo fortunella
  5. Aspetta che fra 2 ore provo il h110 con ghiaccio secco sul radiatore
  6. payment made
  7. accept paypal, send me your payment information I live in Italy
  8. http://www.overclock.net/t/1398725/unlock-afterburner-limits-on-lots-of-cards-some-with-llc-one-tool-for-all-ab-versions works http://img.hwbot.org/u45698/image_id_1308609.jpeg
  9. xtu 1.77volt http://i57.tinypic.com/2urbcdf.jpg superpi 32m 1.75volt http://i58.tinypic.com/2yvmd6p.jpg gskill eco 1.35v 2x2gb 4gb http://i57.tinypic.com/n3sxmv.jpg price 150€
  10. Psc gskill eco 1.35volt
  11. 2600mhz cl8 1.770v bios
  12. prezzo i7 4790k 5ghz 1.23v ?
  13. Que bios usaste ? Hiciste el power limit mod ?
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